
Showing posts from July, 2014

Traffic Correction

Good afternoon, again. One of the challenges of putting together a lengthy message, like the one sent out previously, is that I often 1) am thinking about multiple items at once, 2) type too fast, and/or 3) don't have someone nearby to proof. Thanks to Mrs. Migala for catching my mistake on the following:   After dropping off students, cars will then exit our campus onto Clayton Road (if buses are still in the Circle Drive). We ask that each exiting car PLEASE turn  left  onto Clayton Road to expedite traffic flow. Cars waiting to turn left onto Clayton impede traffic exiting our campus a great deal. This should have read, "PLEASE turn  RIGHT  onto Clayton Road to expedite traffic flow." Greg

July 28, 2014

Good afternoon to returning and new parents of LMS students.   I hope you and your families have had a great summer. I have been collecting items to share with you over the past month.   Some information will be general in nature, while other items will be grade level-specific.   I will try to arrange the information below so that it will be as easy as possible to navigate. For you parents/students who are new to our building this year, I attempt to send an update out at the conclusion of each week.   My messages are meant to summarize how the week has gone, highlight specific items of interest, and look ahead in terms of upcoming calendar events and schedules.   It is my intent to keep these updates as brief as possible, while still sharing information I think you will need.   If you have any questions, or if you determine that I have left out a critical piece of information, please let me know.   Should you and I determine that something...