April 28, 2017
Good afternoon. CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU’s Thank you to all of our Administrative Professionals/Office Staff. Administrative Professionals Day was Wednesday, April 26 but these folks should get an entire month. They do so much for all of us and we could not begin to function without them. Thank you Peggy Breidenbach, Carol Stephens, Mary LoBosco, Stacie Grant, Danna Anderson, Ann Mohrmann and Kelly Shevitz. From the Principal/Counselor group: Thank you to everyone who pitched in to make this year’s MAP testing go so well. Particular thanks to Karl Kindt for all the technology needs (too numerous to mention), Steve Graef (for anticipating and providing all the materials), TAs for filling in where needed and doing the make-ups, Jody Rozbicki for reading all three grade-level tests to the ESL students, Melody Frese for instituting the lobby bookmobile, Katie Rahmoeller for putting the paper tests into the online format, and all teachers for ch...