April 20, 2017

Good afternoon.  I hope that your week has gone well so far.  

I will be gone over the next three school days, so wanted to get this out before then.  “Smiling Katie R.” will cover morning traffic direction in the front while I am gone.


    Congratulations to our new 2016-17 inductees to National Junior Honor Society, their parents, and sponsors Lisa Kovarik and Kevin Kearns.  I was not able to participate on Wednesday morning, but understand that the ceremony was wonderful.

    Congratulations and thank you to the members of the LMS 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade Choirs and to teachers Leah Alrutz and Tom Lowery for a very entertaining choral concert Wednesday evening.   


MAP testing; grade 8; English Language Arts
MAP testing; grade 8; English Language Arts
LMS Diversity Cadre Courageous Dialogue
Administrative Professionals Day
MAP testing; grade 8; Math
LMS Band concert; 7 pm; LHWHS Performing Arts Center
MAP testing; grade 8; Science

National Teacher Appreciation day
Orchestra concert, grades 6, 7, 8; 7 pm; LHWHS Performing Arts Center
African-American Recognition Night; 6:30 pm; LMS Cafeteria and Gym
8th Grade Semi-Formal

LMSPA Executive Board meeting; 1 pm
National School Nurse day
Fire Drill; period 7
Last day for After School Activities (and Activity buses)
Citizenship Honor ceremonies

8th Grade Boat Races
8th Grade to Six Flags
8th Grade Farewell assembly
Last day of school/Early release day; 12:40 pm


Grade 6 Service Project
    A 6th grade, student-led fundraiser has been established to benefit children whose parents have cancer.  This will raise funds through the online sale of monogram stickers to create children’s gift bags.  More information can be found at: https://jillgaither.wixsite.com/sitc
    The fundraiser will be active during the weeks of April 24 through 28 and May 1 through 5.  Please be aware that this is only for students in grade 6.

May Bookfair
    The last Scholastic Book Fair of the school year will be May 1 through May 4, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm in the LMS Library.  This will be a great opportunity to stock up for summer reading!  For every item you buy, you get another item for FREE!

MAP testing
    A more complete MAP testing schedule is listed below, for your information.  Important notes to remember:
  • If possible, please avoid any absences on these dates for your child.  
  • A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast on these days will put your student in a position to do their best.
  • Students will not be allowed to have cell phones, Apple watches or any other device that can connect to the internet in testing rooms.
  • Students are encouraged to bring their own headphones or earbuds to school on their grade-level testing day, as at least a portion of the tests will have an audio component.  If this is not possible, we will provide them.
  • Students may not use wireless headphones.  They will not work on school devices because of security measures.
MAP testing; grade 8; English Language Arts - in the morning, periods 2 - 5
MAP testing; grade 8; English Language Arts - in the morning, periods 2 - 5  
MAP testing; grade 8; Math - in the morning, periods 2 - 5  
MAP testing; grade 8; Science - in the morning, periods 2 - 5  


Diversity Cadre Courageous Dialogue #4
    We are gearing up for our final Courageous Dialogue session of the year. PLEASE NOTE the date change: Due to a conflict with an all district choir concert, we had to reschedule our meeting from Wednesday, 4/19 to Tuesday, 4/25. We will meet in the LMS Cafeteria from 6:30-8:00. The topic of discussion will be implicit bias. Please join us as we continue our dialogue about differences and what we can do to be more accepting and understanding of each other's differences. This adult only event is open to all. We hope you join us!  If you plan to attend, please RSVP no later than April 21st by emailing Mary LoBosco at mlobosco@ladueschools.net or calling 314-983-5512.

8th Grade Parents
    Are you going to have an incoming freshman at Ladue Horton Watkins High School for the 2017-2018 school year? If your child will be a freshman and is planning on participating in athletics, the Athletics & Activities Office must have a current physical and parent permission on file. These forms must be dated on or AFTER February 1, 2017 to be valid for the 2017-2018 school year. Please visit the athletics tab on the LHWHS website to download the needed forms (http://lhwhs.ladueschools.net/athletics/), or stop by the Athletics and Activities Office.
    The first day of fall sports practice is July 31, 2017.  We encourage students to turn in the needed paperwork to the Athletics Office as soon as possible.  Athletes will NOT be permitted to practice without a current physical and parent permission on file with the Athletics Office.
    As a reminder, all athletes must pay the $75 activity fee prior to the first MSHSAA sponsored event. The fee can be paid after June 1, 2017, one of three (3) ways: cash, check or online through www.myschoolbucks.com.

Grade 8 Celebration
    The 8th grade end of year celebration is coming up on May 6!  A separate email was sent to all 8th grade families on Friday, April 7 with the detailed invitation and sign ups for parent volunteers.  The sign up link is here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084AAFAB2BA7F49-volunteer

Attention rising 7th and 8th grade parents!  
Order your school supplies for Ladue Middle School.
    The LMSPA is coordinating a school supply sale for the 2017-18 school year.  Your child should have brought home a school supply order form in his/her backpack this week (first week of April).
    The grade level packs include items from the Ladue Middle School generic school supply lists.  The packs DO NOT contain PE clothes - these can be purchased at LMS at a later date.  Make sure when you are ordering that you are buying supplies for the grade your student will be in for the 2017-18 school year.  Please note that some teachers may have additional class-specific items that will need to be purchased once school begins.
    Order online using the Educational Products Inc. website by June 12 for delivery to school by packet pickup and Community Night in August.  Go to www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks and enter school ID LAD024.  Sales tax will be added at checkout.


Immunization Requirement Changes
​     In the past year there have been some immunization changes required by the state of Missouri that will affect students going into 8th grade next school year. Students entering 8th grade will now be required to have a Meningitis immunization and a Tdap immunization prior to starting 8th grade. Your child may have already had both of these immunizations!
    Please check with your pediatrician to verify if these have been completed. If not, please begin making appointments at your earliest convenience. Take advantage of the upcoming breaks to get this requirement out of the way. Do not wait until August when physician offices are booked.   
    You can send the updated immunization records that reflect that your child has these immunizations. The nurse's office will accept these records immediately - no need to wait until summer.
    You may email, fax, or send in a copy of the record to the nurse's office.   
​​​Email: ​ dbernholt@ladueschools.net
​Fax:  314-9​97-8736​

A calcium deficiency can eventually lead to osteoporosis, which is the loss of bone mass.  Because bones are continually repaired throughout your lifetime, if is essential to get enough calcium no matter what your age.  Taking care of your bones now will aid you in later years.  Try these things to increase your calcium intake:
  • Add beans to soups, chili and pasta dishes.
  • Grate low-fat cheese over soups and salads.
  • Enjoy a smoothie made with yogurt.
  • Add milk to tea or coffee in the morning.
  • Stir some nuts into a yogurt cup as a snack.
  • Include leafy vegetables in baked casseroles such as lasagna.
  • Eat hot oatmeal made with milk for breakfast.
  • Snack on crunchy broccoli instead of potato chips.
  • Substitute plain low-fat yogurt for recipes that call for sour cream.
  • Treat yourself to pudding made with skim milk for dessert.

    You can access the Ladue Middle School Parent Association website at http://mylmspa.com and subscribe to email blasts from the LMSPA at http://www.mylmspa.com/eblast-newsletter/
    Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found at http://boardbriefs.blogspot.com

One more week of MAP testing.  Thanks for your time and have a great weekend.


Gregory Baber  B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ed.S.

Principal, Ladue Middle School

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