
Showing posts from August, 2016

Early Dismissal Friday 9/2

Good morning. In years past, I have spread the word among businesses along Clayton Road near our campus when we were scheduled for an early dismissal.  This was to prepare our neighbors for large groups of kids when the weather is nice. I have lost my contact for this year.  If you have an establishment on Clayton, and if an email chain of sorts exists, please pass the word.  We will dismiss students beginning at 12:40 pm on that day. Should someone wish to serve as a primary contact, that would be appreciated. Thank you, Greg

August 26, 2016

Good afternoon.  I hope that this week has gone well for you. If you child walks to the business district on Clayton Road after dismissal on Fridays (particularly on early release days) please remind them that they not only represent their family but also LMS.  A few students have caused problems and disturbances in the past.  They were a very small percentage of our student body, but unfortunately represented us poorly within the community.  I am very thankful that the large majority of our students act in a manner that makes me proud.  We will do our best to reinforce our expectations with all of them.  If you could do the same at home, it would be greatly appreciated. CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU’s Congratulations to Jason Theodosiou, Physical Education/Health, who has been selected by the LMS administration and Dr. Jennifer Allen (Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction) to be the LMS recipient of the 2016 Excellence in Educa...

LMS Activities Change (Please Read)

Good afternoon. My apologies for the short notice on this, but we WILL NOT be able to begin after school activities tomorrow. Please be advised that after school activities for quarter 1 will now begin on  Tuesday, August 30 .  I have just sent an email asking our webmaster to make this change on our LMS website and have also asked teachers to announce this to students tomorrow. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Greg

Meet The Teacher Night

Good morning. This is a reminder that the LMS Meet The Teacher Night (MTN) will occur on Wednesday, August 24, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. MTN is an opportunity for parents to follow their child’s schedule, meet their teachers, and learn about course information and expectations.  Your child will be given a copy of his/her schedule to bring home on Tuesday, August 23.  Please bring this schedule with you to follow on Wednesday. We will begin the evening with a brief opening meeting in our Gym.  Parents will then be dismissed by grade level to locate their first class.  Time in each class will be 7 minutes.  This short period of time does not allow for extended “Parent Conference” conversations.  Should you need to meet with a specific teacher or teachers, please schedule an alternative time to meet. With so many people attending MTN, parking is an issue.  As a result, we will be providing a shuttle bus that will travel between LMS and Ladue Chap...

August 21, 2016

Good afternoon.  I hope that you have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather today. On Monday, your child will be taking the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI).  The SRI is an Interactive computer-adaptive assessment designed to measure how well students read literature and expository texts of varying difficulties.  After completion of the test, your child will receive a Recommended Reading Report from Scholastic which contains his or her Lexile and book recommendations.  You can also access test scores on the parent portal under the assessment tab.   The Scholastic Reading Inventory Scores for Grade Level Performance are as follows: Grade 6:  800-1050 Grade 7:  850-1100 Grade 8:  900-1150 Please ensure that your child reads for 30 minutes every day (or 150 minutes each week) outside of school.  This is imperative to your child's success. CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU’s Thank you to staff, students and parents ...

LMS First Day

Good afternoon. One down, about one hundred seventy-seven to go. Today went pretty well for the first day of school.  I was able to pop into most classrooms and the kids and adults seemed to be doing well. Our doors are locked from the outside.  Please keep this in mind if you drive your student to school.  Our Lobby is not supervised until 7:15 to 7:20 am.  This may not be a factor now, but can be in colder weather. If you drove your child to school today, traffic is not nearly that bad on most days.  I didn’t have time to count, but would imagine that many parents brought their kids to school today by car who would normally ride the bus.  Secondly, a large number of cars parked, walked their child in, then had to back out of parking spaces, causing delays.  That is to be expected and am sure, based on doing this for the past several years, that it will improve.  One HUGE REQUEST I will make is that please TURN RIGHT OUT OF OUR CAMPU...

August 12, 2016

Ladue Middle School is on Facebook and Twitter Good morning. Our last week before the beginning of school is winding down.  The past few days have been filled with meetings and preparing our building for next Tuesday.  Due to the efforts of our staff, particularly our Office personnel and Custodians, we should be in good shape.   Community Night is today, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Please reference information about this yearly Parent Association event below. Meet The Teacher Night is scheduled for August 24.  Please reference the attachment to the Blackboard Connect parent email. After School Activities will begin on Tuesday, August 23.  A list of activities for Quarter 1 will be available on our school website soon.  Please keep in mind that activities end each Tuesday and Thursday at 4:15 p.m.  We ask that students who are riding home by car be picked up...