LMS First Day

Good afternoon.

One down, about one hundred seventy-seven to go.

Today went pretty well for the first day of school.  I was able to pop into most classrooms and the kids and adults seemed to be doing well.

Our doors are locked from the outside.  Please keep this in mind if you drive your student to school.  Our Lobby is not supervised until 7:15 to 7:20 am.  This may not be a factor now, but can be in colder weather.

If you drove your child to school today, traffic is not nearly that bad on most days.  I didn’t have time to count, but would imagine that many parents brought their kids to school today by car who would normally ride the bus.  Secondly, a large number of cars parked, walked their child in, then had to back out of parking spaces, causing delays.  That is to be expected and am sure, based on doing this for the past several years, that it will improve.  One HUGE REQUEST I will make is that please TURN RIGHT OUT OF OUR CAMPUS onto Clayton or Conway Roads when exiting.  Waiting to turn left causes delays in trying to keep cars moving and has caused many near-dangerous situations, particularly on Clayton.

We gave the kids an additional ten minutes in each lunch period to go over expectations and make sure they had time to go through the lines and eat.  We also had staff providing each with their PIN number, if they had forgotten it (which also took additional time).

We had about a five minute delay this afternoon in getting buses off the lot.  If you pick you child up by car, keep in mind that the Circle Drive is only for buses from 2:45 to our 3:10 pm dismissal.  We should be able to get buses out in about ten minutes, so that cars that are lined up in the back of the building can start coming up to the front at about 3:20 pm.

All in all, not a bad beginning to the school year.  I will send out a regular parent email and blog each week, typically on Fridays or over the weekend.

Thanks for sending your children to us.


Gregory Baber  B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ed.S.
Principal, Ladue Middle School

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