December 16, 2013


Good afternoon and Happy Monday.  I’ve taken couple of Primary Care days last Thursday/Friday and today, so have not been very diligent on getting an update out.  I’ll attempt to get one last message out this Friday before the winter holiday break begins.


Tuesday, December 17
Spring Musical Auditions; 3:10 – 5 pm (see below)
Friday, December 20
End of Quarter 2
Monday, December 23 through Friday, January 3
Winter Break for Students
Monday, January 6
School Resumes
Wednesday, January 8
Parent meeting regarding scheduling for 9th grade (next year); LHWHS Performing Arts Center, 7:00 pm
Friday, January 10
Hidden Valley Ski Trip, 3:00 – 9:30 pm (see below)
Sunday, January 12
Harrison Wright Eagle Scout Project Collection; LMS Parking Lot, Noon – 4:00 pm (see below)
Thursday, January 16
High School Curriculum Night for current 8th graders and parents; LHWHS Performing Arts Center, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Friday, January 17
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm
Monday, January 20
Dr. King Holiday, no school
Thursday, January 23
7th Grade Parents to Lunch and meeting; 11:15 am
Friday, January 24
6th Grade Parents to Lunch and meeting; 10:30 am
Hidden Valley Ski Trip; 3:00 – 9:30 pm
Friday, January 31
Hidden Valley Ski Trip; 3:00 – 9:30 pm


Congratulations to Rose Coughlin, Rebecca Cunningham, Claire Englander, Grace Hardester, Maggie Lochmoeller and Monty Rickey, who as members of the Neon Electrons (a First Lego League robotics team sponsored by the Girls Scouts of Eastern Missouri) recently won the title of Tournament Champions at the Eastern Missouri State Tournament.

Congratulations as well to Hale Masaki, Joel Willick and the other members of The Fiery Phoenixes (a First Lego League robotics team) who competed recently in the Eastern Missouri State Tournament with thirty-nine other teams.  The team received the Robot Performance award and scored the highest number of points of all teams in the competition.

Congratulations to Suzanne Costanza (6th Grade Mathematics) and Sarah Schwartz (current Administrative Intern and former Reed Spanish teacher) who were honored at last Monday’s Board of Education meeting as 2012-2013 Teachers of the Year.


I have served as a primary care giver, 24/7, for the past five days.  As the risk of looking like Mr. Martyr Man, I am wicked tired and have probably made at least a few user errors on this.  My apologies.


Ski Trip Fridays/Morning Traffic
Ski Trip dates are: January 10, 24 and 31; February 7, 21 and 28 (make up day if needed).
For those parents who have experienced these mornings in the past, there is no better/prettier way to characterize the traffic – it stinks.  More parents bring their kids by car and traffic drop off is delayed as those kids/parents unload ski gear and carry it into our main lobby.
I would suggest the following for Ski Trip mornings:
1.    Try to make every effort to drop your student off before our buses arrive (typically at about 7:55 am).
2.    If possible, deliver your child’s ski gear to the main office/lobby during the school day (after 8:15 am and before 2:30 pm).
We will make the best of it.  Please be patient and make those right-hand turns onto Clayton.  This helps a great deal.


Winter Weather information
The link to Winter Weather information on the LMS website can be found at


Eagle Scout Project
One of our 8th graders, Harrison Wright, is organizing a donation drive for gently used clothing, books and toys as his Eagle Scout Project.  This drive will benefit the St. Louis Crisis Nursery, which is committed to the prevention of child abuse and neglect and provides emergency intervention, respite care and support to families in crisis.  The drive is scheduled to take place on the LMS parking lot on January 12, from noon to 4 pm.  For more information, please contact Harrison at:
or visit

Spring Musical Auditions
Auditions for the Spring Musical, Wanda's World, will be held after school on Tuesday, December 17th from 3:10 to 5 pm.  Packets with all audition materials can be picked up from Ms. Gastman or Mrs. Scheidt starting Monday, November 25. Other resource materials will be available on their websites. 
Students who need to ride the late bus will need to audition before 4:10; other students will need to plan for a ride.
If students cannot make the audition date, they will need to set up a different audition time before December 17th, as no late auditions will be held. 
For more information, call or email Mrs. Scheidt (ext. 5935).

I have some coverage here at the house tomorrow/Tuesday, so should be back at work.  We will see about the rest of the week.

I hope you and your kids have a positive close to the week and the semester.  Be safe and take care.


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