April 27, 2014

Good afternoon.

I hope you and your families are enjoying your weekend so far.  I attempted to get this out on Friday, but ran out of “day.” 

For those of you with current 8th graders, we will get out a more detailed email to you with specific information regarding year-end activities very soon.


Wednesday, April 30
LMS Band Concert; 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Friday, May 2
8th Grade 6 Flags Trip permission forms are due in the Welcome Center
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm
8th Grade Dance; 7:30 – 10:00 pm

Monday, May 5 – Friday, May 9
Teacher Appreciation Week
Wednesday, May 7
LMS Orchestra Concert; 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Friday, May 9
Citizenship Ceremonies; LMS Gym
·      8th Grade @ 8:15 am
·      7th Grade @ 9:30 am
·      6th Grade @ 12:45 pm

Tuesday, May 13
LMSPA Meeting; 1:00 pm
LMS Choir Concert; 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Wednesday, May 14
Science Olympiad to national competition
LMS Diversity Cadre's African American Student Recognition Night; 6:00 pm;     
     LMS Cafeteria
Friday, May 16
Band field trip; 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Wednesday, May 21
LMS Variety Show; Gym; 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Thursday, May 22
8th grade Six Flags trip
Friday, May 23
8th grade Farewell Assembly; 12:00
End of 4th Quarter


Congratulations to French Teacher Beth Heuermann and several of her 8th grade students.  Eleven of them took the National French Exam (called Le Grand Councours”) on Saturday, March 8.  The exam, sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French, evaluates students on their written, oral, and listening comprehension skills.  Nearly 100,000 students, from all fifty states, competed in the recent event. 
Students who achieved local recognition included:  Audrey Wang (1st); Grace Wallace, Glen Morgenstern and Sarah Eisenman (4th); Fatima Sheriff and Evyn Levy (5th); Aly Francone (6th); and Maayan Gazit (9th).
National Winners were:  Audrey Wang (6th), Glen Morgenstern (9th), Sarah Eisenman (10th), and Grace Wallace (10th).  The top ten places are recognized nationally, but we had two place 11th (Evyn Levy and Fatima Sheriff), and 15th was Maayan Gazit.

Congratulations to the following students who won the World Language Trivia Contest after school this past Thursday:  Sean O’Brien, Hayden Aronson, Riley Gage, Josh Horowitz, Zach Wild, Edward Keith, Ronit Kirumaki, and Zach Weller.



LHWHS Sports Physicals for next year (for current 8th graders)
Attention all 2014-2015 LHWHS incoming freshmen!  Are you planning on participating in a high school sport next school year?  If so, the Ladue Horton Watkins High School Athletics Department must have a current physical and parent permission on file. Students are not eligible to try out for a sport without these documents on file. These forms must be dated on or AFTER February 1, 2014 to be valid for the 2014-2015 school year.  Completed forms can be turned into the Athletics office now through August 4, 2014 for fall sports. Please visit the Athletics tab on the Ladue Horton Watkins High School website to download the needed forms. 
For the fourth year in a row, DUE CARE will sponsor physicals provided by Logan College of Chiropractic to all Ladue Horton Watkins High School students.  Physicals will only be $15 per student on Saturday, May 31 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. in the LHWHS Cafeteria. Appointments are not needed!  However, parents must be present to sign all forms at the completion of the physical examination.  If you haven't made arrangements for getting a sports physical for the 2014-2015 school year, we encourage you to take advantage of this special opportunity. If you have any questions, please call the LHWHS Athletics and Activities Office at (314) 983-5421.

Student Community Service Project
LMS student Lauren Vanlandingham (7th grade/Titan Team) is coordinating a sugar free mint gum drive to help kids and teens undergoing chemotherapy while they battle cancer.  If you can help, donations of gum or money will be collected each morning in the Welcome Center before school starts.  The gum drive will be held on April 28 - May 9.  On Friday, May 2, students who make a dollar donation may wear their favorite hat to school.  All donations will benefit Friends of Kids with Cancer, a St. Louis organization that helps children with cancer cope with the challenges they face, make the best out of the situation they are in, and most importantly, remember that it's ok to still just be a kid.

Citizenship Ceremonies/Parking
Our yearly Citizenship Ceremonies (this year on May 9) result in outstanding parent attendance.  This is great.  The challenge comes in regarding parking.  The back lot will be available and doors will be accessible on the rear portion of the Gym.  We will also have a shuttle bus reserved, which will be running between our building and Ladue Chapel, if this helps.



LEF Survey
The mission of the Ladue Education Foundation is to advance the excellence of the Ladue School District by expanding opportunities for extraordinary student success.  They would like your help.  Please click on the link below to take a brief survey and let them know if you are willing to share your talents and expertise, or if you would like to learn more about the Foundation.
The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, May 9.  For more information, please contact Diane Patershuk or Kristen Wild at 314-983-5334 or at lef@ladueschools.net

Public Meetings/Strategic Plan
The Ladue School District will hold the second of two public meetings to present our district Strategic Plan.  This meeting will take place on May 1, at the Reed Elementary Library, at 7:00 pm

LMSPA eBlasts
If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on boardbriefs.blogspot.com

I hope you enjoy the remainder of your Sunday, at least until the predicted rains arrive.  I would say “Lets Go Blues” again, but not sure if it would matter at this point.  Chances are, the playoff whiskers are about to go (much to my wife’s delight).


PS:  On a personal note, we visited with my parents/family yesterday in my hometown.  While there, I collected my father’s Korean War Army uniforms (which were in surprisingly good shape after being stored in a lard can for the past sixty some odd years).  I would like to have these cleaned and preserved for my children and beyond, but am unsure how to do this so that they are not damaged.  Does anyone have experience with this?  If so, your input would be greatly appreciated.

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