Science Olympiad National Competition

Congratulations to the Ladue Middle School Science Olympiad team for a great showing at the National Science Olympiad Competition, held on May 17 in Orlando, FL at the University of Central Florida. The students competed against the top 60 teams from across the country. Our students placed in two events, Sounds of Music (6th), Simple Machines (6th) and the trial event Bridge Building (6th).
Overall, the team earned 8th place in the country!  We are very proud of the dedication and hard work of the following students: 
Biernbaum, Luke (Sounds of Music); Chan, Hans; Chen, Justin; Cochran, Ethan (Bridge Building); Giuliani, Nevan; Hsieh, Joel; Jiang, Kevin; Liu, Albert; Liu, Annie; Loitman, Charlie (Simple Machines); Naughton, Patrick; Paul, Raj (Bridge Building); Prablek, Kate; Shaw, Katie; Subramanian, Karthik; Wang, Audrey; Wang, Cindy; Wang, Ethan; Wang, Jeffrey (Simple Machines); Ye, Christopher; Zhong, Anna; and Zhong, Stephanie (Sounds of Music). 

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