February 22, 2015
Good afternoon. I am having issues with posting my Update email through Blackboard Connect. A copy of my text has just been sent to Dr. Taylor-Johnson, Mrs. Schwartz and Mr. Lackey to see if one of them have any more luck. I hope you didn’t have any difficulties if you had to be out this past Friday evening. As mentioned in my messages on Friday afternoon, we have a built-in Ski Trip make up day this coming Friday. I hope we can get this trip in. The long-range forecast doesn’t indicate any potential issues, but we all know how things can change weather-wise around here. If, for some reason, we need to cancel the trip for Friday, please be aware that purchased passes can be used for any Friday at Hidden Valley during the current season. On a related note, there were about four backpacks/bags remaining in the Welcome Center Lobby at 4 pm on Friday. I moved these to an office across from Counselor Beth Mo...