February 22, 2015
Good afternoon. I am having issues with posting my Update email through Blackboard Connect. A copy of my text has just been sent to Dr. Taylor-Johnson, Mrs. Schwartz and Mr. Lackey to see if one of them have any more luck.
I hope you didn’t have any
difficulties if you had to be out this past Friday evening.
As mentioned in my messages
on Friday afternoon, we have a built-in Ski Trip make up day this coming
Friday. I hope we can get this trip
in. The long-range forecast doesn’t
indicate any potential issues, but we all know how things can change
weather-wise around here. If, for some
reason, we need to cancel the trip for Friday, please be aware that purchased
passes can be used for any Friday at Hidden Valley during the current season.
On a related note, there
were about four backpacks/bags remaining in the Welcome Center Lobby at 4 pm on
Friday. I moved these to an office
across from Counselor Beth Mothersbaugh and locked the door. I thought you should know in case one belongs
to your child and you want to pick it up on Monday or have them take it home
after school.
I will be away from work
tomorrow/Monday to work a Teacher Job Fair at Mizzou.
on the Ski Trip theme, thanks go out to Mark Biernbaum (LMS Industrial Arts and
Ski Trip Coordinator) and Scott Lackey (LMS Assistant Principal, Grade 6) for
monitoring the weather forecast and having a recommended plan in place prior to
my arrival at school on Friday at 7 am.
They got on top of the situation in a very timely manner.
to the LMS Science Bowl Team, comprised of Seema Patil, Moses Schindler, Felix
Hu, and Nevin Giuliani. They took first place in the Science Bowl
Competition held at Washington University yesterday. This victory sends
them on an all expense paid trip to Washington D.C. this May for the National
Finals. The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science sponsors the
event. According to Coach Martin Long (LMS Grade 8 Science), these four
students “were truly amazing and left the audience stunned more than once with
their brilliance, ability to reason, content knowledge and sportsmanship.”
Friday, 2/27
Hidden Valley Ski Trip (makeup date)
Thursday, 3/5
End of After School Activities for
Quarter 3 (3/10 Activities at the option of sponsors)
Friday, 3/6
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm
Tuesday, 3/10
LMSPA Board meeting; 1 pm
Wednesday, 3/11
Student-Led Portfolio Conferences;
Please see below
Thursday, 3/12
Last day of Quarter 3
Student-Led Portfolio Conferences;
Please see below
Friday, 3/13
No School; Conference Compensation Day
for staff
Monday, 3/16 through
Friday, 3/20
No School; Spring Break
NJHS Fundraiser Reminder
reminder from National Junior Honor Society that if your child has a penny box
to turn in for the Pennies for Patients Fundraiser, this coming Monday will
be the final day to turn one in. Thank you for all your support!
Grade 8 Spring Sports
Grade 8 students who are interested in participating in track and
field (co-ed) or field hockey (girls only) will be able to sign up to
participate on Friday, March 6 during lunch. This program is free and no-cut. The first track practice will be Tuesday,
March 10 and the first field hockey practice is to be determined. Students who
participate must have all forms turned in before practice in order to
participate. Forms are available in the
Welcome Center or can be printed from the LMS web page under the “Activities”
tab. Students who want to participate
must meet academic eligibility requirements for Quarter 3.
I have
been informed that we are running low on tissues. If you can help,
students can bring boxes to the Welcome Center.
Thank you.
Spring Student-Led
Portfolio Conferences
Spring Portfolio Conferences are scheduled for March 11 (3:50 – 7:10 pm)
and March 12 (1:20 – 7 pm). A
handout with specifics is attached to the Blackboard Connect update email and
will be sent home with students on Tuesday of
next week. Information will also be posted
on our school website.
Sign ups are online
and can be accessed through the following website: https://www.myconferencetime.com/laduems/
Please sign up
ASAP as appointments fill up fast. The deadline for signing up is March 6, 2015.
To ensure
your conference runs smoothly here are a few reminders:
1. Plan to be at conferences for at least an hour. Your child will review his/her portfolio for a total of 20 minutes with a brief check-in provided by the team teachers. The other time will be spent meeting with the elective and/or off team teachers following a similar format. Plan to arrive on time. If you arrive late, we may not be able to accommodate you.
1. Plan to be at conferences for at least an hour. Your child will review his/her portfolio for a total of 20 minutes with a brief check-in provided by the team teachers. The other time will be spent meeting with the elective and/or off team teachers following a similar format. Plan to arrive on time. If you arrive late, we may not be able to accommodate you.
2. Please bring your child with you, as he/she will be leading the
conference. Teachers do not facilitate the conference as
in the fall.
3. Upon arrival, please stop at the table in the lobby to pick up a Conference Room
Location sheet. This will help you know where you are going.
4. Note the meal break
for teachers/staff and plan accordingly. All teachers will have a 40-minute dinner
break on 3/12 from 2:40 - 3:20 pm.
MAP testing
All MAP testing will be
completed online, using laptops in our building this spring. A portion of the exam will utilize audio
files/components. As such, all students
will be encouraged to bring their personal headphones or ear buds to school on
their assigned testing date(s), if possible.
If this is not possible, we will have a supply of headphones available
for student use.
Just as a reminder, our
scheduled testing dates for MAP are:
Grade: April 22, 23, and 24
Grade: April 27
Grade: April 30
Nominations For 2015-2016
The Parent Association is beginning
to plan for 2015-16. If you would like
to nominate yourself or another person for a position on the LMSPA Executive
Board, please print out and complete a nomination form and return it to the LMS
Welcome Center by Friday, March 6th. Paper copies are also available
in the LMS Welcome Center. Board
position descriptions are also included on the Nomination Form, which can be
accessed through the LMSPA website at
Blucher will provide updated/correct form link.)
Current 7th grade students/Immunizations for next
entering 8th grade in the state of Missouri are required to receive the TDaP
(tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) immunization. This is usually given by a doctor at age 11
or 12. If your child has not received
this immunization, please consult your physician. If you have records showing that your child
has received it, please provide them to the nurse's office.
LMSPA eBlasts
If you are
not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click
on the following link to subscribe:
Board Briefs
regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on boardbriefs.blogspot.com
I hope you enjoy the
remainder of your weekend.