December 11, 2015

Good afternoon.  I hope that your week has gone well.

As we enter the winter months, with colder morning temperatures, I just wanted to remind everyone that I don’t have anyone “on the clock” to monitor the front doors and let students in until 7:15 am.  Although there are many mornings when I am here early, and begin watching for arriving students at 7 am, I can’t guarantee that I will always be available (i.e. morning meetings or commitments out of district).  I just don’t want kids standing outside in freezing temperatures for extended periods of time until our Teaching Assistant goes on duty.
I have also reminded teachers of this, in case your student comes in earlier than normal arrival times to work with them.


Congratulations and thanks to Twinda Murry, Ruth Panhorst, Elizabeth Dalby, Jessice Sparks and the members of the LMS 6th Grade Orchestra for their performance on December 9.

Congratulations and thanks to Aaron Lehde, Michael Faris, Betsy Cytron, Katie Solomon, Scott Harris and the members of the LMS 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Bands for their performances on December 10.

Congratulations to Kathleen Mercury, who received an LEF grant to fund her “Backyard Brains” learning project.  Backyard Brains will use off-the-shelf electronics to create devices to teach students about neuroscience.

Thank you to Courtney Hanstein and other LMS classroom teachers for coordinating a service project to celebrate Inclusive Schools Week.  Courtney recruited several classes to work together with her Life Skills class to make cards, crafts and placemats for the American Cancer Society's Hope Lodge. The Lodge is a place where those receiving cancer treatments in the St. Louis area stay if they are from out of town. The students created wonderful pieces that will bring a lot of joy to people in our community.

Thank you to all students, parents and staff who contributed to the St. Louis Challenger Baseball program in memory of Joseph Goldman.  Contributions totaled $1,207 which will go to supporting 66 teams and over 800 players in Missouri and Illinois.  Special thanks to our LMS National Junior Honor Society and sponsors Lisa Kovarik and Kevin Kearns who coordinated this effort.


Friday, 12/18
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm
Last Day for Quarter 2/Semester 1

Monday, 12/21
Winter Break (through Monday, 1/4)

Monday, 1/4
Professional Development Day for Teachers; No School for Students
Friday, 1/8
Ski Trip to Hidden Valley (after school)

Tuesday, 1/12
LMSPA Executive Board meeting; 1 pm
Semester 2 After School Activities begin
Thursday, 1/14
8th Grade Parents to Lunch; 12:14 pm
Friday, 1/15
Ski Trip to Hidden Valley (after school)

Monday, 1/18
No School; Dr. King Holiday
Wednesday, 1/20
6th Grade Registration Night for 2016-2017; 6 pm
Friday, 1/22
6th Grade Parents to Lunch; 10:38 am

Thursday, 1/28
7th Grade Parents to Lunch; 11:26 am
Friday, 1/29
Ski Trip to Hidden Valley (after school)


HEALTHY THOUGHTS (from Nurse Patrick and Coach Wojtow)


As we begin to enter cold and flu season, please recall Ladue guidelines regarding ill students staying home from school. Please follow this link for details:
When to Keep Your Child Home From School

Fever is a symptom of illness and not an actual diagnosis. Fever usually indicates that the body is battling an infection. A child with a fever greater than 99.9 degrees Fahrenheit needs to stay home from school until the fever is gone for at least 24 hours without medication (acetaminophen or ibuprofen).

Students are not permitted to bring any medication (over the counter or prescription) to or from school.  All medications must be transported by an adult.  All medication (over the counter and / or prescription) requires a doctor's note or prescription label.  See link below for further information.
Ladue Medication Policy

Hand washing is like a "do-it-yourself" vaccine—it involves five simple and effective steps (Wet, Lather, Scrub, Rinse, Dry) you can take to reduce the spread of diarrheal and respiratory illness so you can stay healthy. Regular hand washing, particularly before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others.  Scrub vigorously for 20 seconds...try singing "Happy Birthday" to yourself for a timing guide!  Hand washing is quick, it's simple, and it can keep us all from getting sick. Hand washing is a win for everyone...except the germs.


Schedule changes for Semester 2
I am requesting that all desired schedule changes (primarily for Elective classes) be submitted to Carol Stephens in our Welcome Center Office by Thursday, December 17. 

LMS Buzz Book (From the LMSPA)
If there are any changes needed to the LMS 2015-2016 buzz book, please email by Friday, December 18.  We will be providing an update to the buzz book upon the return to school after Winter Break.  Please let Dawn know if you are okay that the corrections will be sent electronically.

From our Library
We will be having a "Winter Reading Club" over winter break.
To participate in our winter reading program, students need to simply read two books over winter break, and then write a short (50-100 words) review of each book. They will then be entered into a drawing to win a $15 Amazon gift card!
​To submit the review they need to log into the Destiny catalogue using their network username and password, look up the book, and submit a review! If they are unable to log in, they may also email reviews to 



Grade 8 Basketball
8th grade boys and girls basketball team sign ups were last week. If your child would like to participate, it is not too late! This is a free, no-cut, all-play program that meets after school (3:10-4:10) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Games are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays after school. There is a late bus available after practices. Students must turn in forms and a recent physical (dated after February 1, 2015). The forms are available in the Welcome Center or online under the "Activities" tab. The first practice is December 8. Email Coach Theodossiou ( if you would like to sign your child up.

LMS Yearbooks
Don't get left out of this year’s school memories. Order your 2015/16 yearbook today.  You can place your order online at
You can also place an order by phone at 1-866-287-3096.
The price of the yearbook is $28 and orders can be placed through winter break to guarantee that pricing.  After January 3, prices will increase to $35.
Any questions about yearbook purchases can be directed to Sharrie Cognac

(Baber note: I don’t believe that the links below transferred.  As a result, I am including the documents as attachments to the Blackboard Connect email.)
Honor Our Wonderful LMS Faculty and Staff This Holiday Season - Please Act Today, Don't Delay!
Dear Ladue Middle School Families,
With the holidays upon us and 2015 drawing to a close, it’s a great time to honor our wonderful Ladue Middle School Faculty and Staff. 
With their talent and dedication, Ladue Middle School was recently named a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education, a 2015 Gold Star School by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and a 2014 National School of Character by The Character Education Partnership.
LMS annually produces award winning academic, arts and athletic teams, and provides opportunities for all students to participate in unique field trips and extracurricular activities such as the Ladue Ski Club.
You should have recently received a letter in the mail describing some of the many things that the Ladue Middle School Parent Association's "Gift & Project" Fundraiser has helped to do for our school.
Click here if you'd like to view the Winter Gift & Project letter.
Gift & Project is the LMSPA's biggest fundraiser.  The funds raised every year through G&P make up over 50% of the annual LMSPA budget, and allow the LMSPA to continue to do many things over the course of the year to elevate our children's learning experience and help support our children, their families and the LMS staff.
We hope you will honor your student's teachers and other LMS staff members with a donation.  Thank you to everyone who has already donated!
To donate:  You may complete the paper teacher and staff acknowledgment form (download it here if needed), and drop off or mail your form with your donation check, made out to the LMSPA, to the LMS office.  Please be sure to note "Winter Gift & Project" on your check's memo line.
Or, you may make your Winter Gift & Project donation and select your teacher and staff honorees online by clicking here.
PLEASE NOTE:  You have only seven days remaining until the Friday, Dec. 11th donation deadline to have your name(s) included in the letters letting LMS faculty and staff know who has honored them with a Winter Gift & Project donation (donation amounts are not disclosed).
Questions?  Please contact your Gift & Project Co-Chairs, Melissa Garza and Julie Stappenbeck:
Melissa Garza / 571-249-9265 cell
Julie Stappenbeck / 314-504-0785 cell
Thank you for supporting the LMSPA.
Happy Holidays!

LMS Office Closed
Please be aware that our LMS Office will be closed on the following:
·      Winter break – Monday, 12/21 through Friday, 1/1.

Infinite Campus Messenger
We plan on beginning the following after the beginning of semester 2:
In an effort to provide consistent communication about missing assignments, an email will be sent each Thursday afternoon through Infinite Campus indicating any assignment your child has not turned in.  We are hoping this communication will help you assist your child with the completion and submission of assigned work.  We chose Thursday because it would give students the day on Friday to either turn in already completed work or discuss with teachers what needed to be done for various assignments over the weekend.
Messages will be sent to anyone identified as a “guardian” of a student at LMS and will be sent at 3:30 pm on Thursdays.  More information about the missing assignments can be found on the Parent Portal or on individual teacher websites.

After School Activities/Last week of the Semester
We typically do not offer After School Activities prior to a holiday, nor do we hold these the last week of the semester.  After checking with coaches and activity sponsors, there is a need to change this for this semester.  As a result, we WILL be offering coaches and sponsors the option of holding practices and activities on the following dates:
·      Tuesday, December 15
·      Thursday, December 17
Not all Activities will be held on these days.  I have asked sponsors to provide this information to our Office staff so that this information can be communicated to students through our school-wide announcements as these dates approach.

Field Trips and payment options
We are now providing a third payment option (if needed) for field trips.  This will be an online option through the MySchoolBucks program (currently being provided to make online payments to student lunch accounts) through a section designated School Store.  MySchoolBucks can be accessed through our district website, near the bottom of the page.
Our first two preferred forms of payment for future field trips will be either the online option noted above or by personal check.  Should either of these payment options not be possible, we will accept cash as a last resort.
If you prefer to take advantage of this online option, please look for the “Field Trip title” noted on the permission form sent home with your student, as well as the “Open date” and “Closing date” to submit payment.

Ski Trip Dates
The following are Ski Trip dates for 2016:
·      Jan 8
·      Jan 15
·      Jan 29
·      Feb 5
·      Feb 19
Feb 26 - Make up day if needed

LHWHS Renovation Initiative Information
For your information, the Ladue Schools Today - High School Renovation Initiative segment is now online. 

LMSPA eBlasts
If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on

I hope you have a great remainder to your Friday and weekend.


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