September 30, 2016
Good afternoon. I hope that your week has gone well. In case you were curious, our flags have been flying at half-staff yesterday and today (until sunset) by order of the President of the United States as a mark of respect for the memory of Shimon Peres, former President and Prime Minister of Israel. CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU’s Monday is Custodian Appreciation Day. Our OUTSTANDING custodians do so much for students, parents and staff. Thank you Mr. Rakic, Mr. Tate and Mr. Bell! Andrew Fruend (8th Grader at LMS) has recently received the President's Volunteer Service Gold Award for his hours volunteering in our community. He has received a certificate, medal and letter signed by President Obama. CALENDAR ITEMS 10/3/16 Custodian Appreciation Day 10/6/16 Drama Production meeting (for technical, non-acting parts); 3:15 - 4:25 pm; Room 228 10/11/16 LMSPA Executive Board meeting; 1 pm 10/14/16 End of Quarter 1 Early Release Day; 12:...