September 30, 2016
Good afternoon. I hope that your week has gone well.
In case you were curious, our flags have been flying at half-staff yesterday and today (until sunset) by order of the President of the United States as a mark of respect for the memory of Shimon Peres, former President and Prime Minister of Israel.
Monday is Custodian Appreciation Day. Our OUTSTANDING custodians do so much for students, parents and staff. Thank you Mr. Rakic, Mr. Tate and Mr. Bell!
Andrew Fruend (8th Grader at LMS) has recently received the President's Volunteer Service Gold Award for his hours volunteering in our community. He has received a certificate, medal and letter signed by President Obama.
Custodian Appreciation Day
Drama Production meeting (for technical, non-acting parts); 3:15 - 4:25 pm; Room 228
LMSPA Executive Board meeting; 1 pm
End of Quarter 1
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm
School Picture Retake Day (periods 1 - 4)
Red Ribbon Week (through 10/27)
Scholastic Book Fair (through 10/27); LMS Library
Parent Conferences
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm
Parent Conferences
No School
Girls In The Know
Girls In The Know is a non-profit working to educate and inspire young women. The program connects leading female experts with pre-teen girls and their mothers/caregivers, so that both parties know the vital information necessary for a health life. The group, not sponsored or affiliated with Ladue Middle School, will meet on four evenings in November at our building. An informational flyer is attached to the Blackboard Connect parent email if you are interested.
Picture Packets
Picture packets and student id cards were delivered recently and will be distributed to teams so that students can take them home next Tuesday. The student id cards have no real function at LMS, but can possibly be used at are businesses that require identification for student discounts. They will also be needed by Hidden Valley should your child wish to participate in our Ski Trips during semester two.
Bullying Seminar
Salem United Methodist Church, in conjunction with Epworth Youth Connection, will be sponsoring a free seminar for children and parents at the church on Tuesday, October 4. The presentation will deal with “Responding to the Bullying Problem in Our Culture.” Epworth’s staff will share an interactive, kid-friendly presentation about how children can learn to identify feelings, deal with anger in a positive way, use communication skills, understand empathy, and explore how to deal with peer pressure. Please contact Mercedes Martinez at Salem UMC at 314-991-0546, or email her at for additional information or questions.
LMS Ski Trip registration information
Our LMS Ski & Board Club Information was sent home with your child today. The registration is not the same as in years past. Please follow the instructions exactly as stated. See the attached informational flyer if your child did not make it home with the green ski information sheet.
Seussical Kids
This year, LMS will present “Seussical Kids” as our touring drama production. If your student is interested in doing costumes, set design, sound, hair, makeup or even directing, they should attend a Production Meeting (for technical, non-acting parts only) on October 6 in Room 228. The meeting will last from 3:15 to 4:25 pm.
Auditions for acting parts will be on November 17 in Room 228.
Performances for the touring show will be the week of March 6, 2017. There will also be an afternoon and evening performance at LMS prior to the beginning of the tour. More information this to follow. For questions, contact Leah Scheidt at
High School Parent Association Presentation
This presentation, entitled “Five Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Heroin and Drug Abuse” will be held on Thursday, October 13 at 7 pm in the LHWHS Cafeteria. The panel will include a representative from the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, a LHWHS counselor, a pediatrician and a Ladue Schools parent who have lived through this experience with her child. Please be aware that this is a parents only presentation. An informational flier is attached to the Blackboard Connect parent update email.
Picture Retake Day
Picture retakes will be taken on October 20. One photographer will be on the Gym stage, during periods 1 - 3 and the beginning of 4. This opportunity will be for students/staff who were absent on September 6 to have their pictures taken, as well as for students whose pictures turned out badly. Students wishing their pictures retaken must return the original picture packet to the photographer on that day. Please keep in mind that we would like all students for the yearbook and database updates.
Fall Parent Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences for semester 1 are Wednesday, October 26, 2016 (4:00 - 8:00 p.m.) and Thursday, October 27, 2016 (1:00 - 7:00 p.m.). To sign up, please visit the following website:
You may also access the website by going to our school's web page using the following link:
Prior to signing up, please carefully review the instructions that are provided on the first page of the website. The online scheduler went live at 4:00 pm on Friday, August 12. Slots fill up very quickly, so please sign up ASAP.
Service Project
One of our LMS alumna is coordinating a Girl Scout Gold Award Take Action Project entitled “Kids Knitting It Forward.” This project involves learning to knit and then knitting items like baby socks, hats, and scarves for local charities such as Newborns in Need of Eastern Missouri and HavenHouse St. Louis. Students 4th grade and older of any skill level are welcome. Time spent attending meetings and knitting items can be counted towards community service hours. More information can be obtained by emailing and meeting dates/times can be accessed at
A Friendly Reminder to 6th Grade Parents:
If you sent medication to 6th grade camp, please pick up your OTC and prescriptions medications from the nurse's office by October 7th. All medication not retrieved by this date will be destroyed and thrown out. Thank you for your cooperation.
Did you know...
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it feeds your body and mind with the necessary nutrients and energy to function throughout the day. Eating breakfast regularly will also help keep weight off because it gets your metabolism going.
You can access the Ladue Middle School Parent Association website at and subscribe to email blasts from the LMSPA at
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found at
Thank you and have a great weekend.
Gregory Baber B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ed.S.
Principal, Ladue Middle School