TJs Tidbits

July 17, 2018

Hello Ladue Middle School Families,

Greetings from your building principal Dr. T-J! I am emailing to share a few Back to School Updates since we are getting closer to the start of school. Returning families, please allow me to share a little introductory information for those who are completely new to LMS.

This will be my second year as Principal, but I served as an Assistant/Associate Principal in this building for eighteen years. I am originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I attended the University of Oklahoma (Go Sooners!) and graduated with a B.S. in Language Arts Education. I moved to St. Louis in 1995 and began my teaching career as a communication arts teacher in the Mehlville School District. During that time, I obtained middle school certification and a M.A. in Education Administration from Maryville University. In 2010, I earned my doctorate in Educational Leadership from St. Louis University. Education is huge in my family. My husband, Dr. Edward M. Johnson Jr., is also an educator. He taught and coached in Ladue for several years and later moved to Brentwood School District, where he is currently serving as head principal of the high school. He is also a proud Ladue Alumni having graduated from LHWHS in 1987. Together, we enjoy city living in the Benton Park area of St. Louis, MO with our seven-year-old son Tristen, who is following is his dad’s footsteps by attending Spoede School as a second grader in the fall.

This is the first of many updates that will be provided to families to keep parents/guardians and students aware of school happenings. As we draw closer to the start of the school year, you can expect more frequent updates. For now, this communication will serve as a summer check in to introduce new staff, notify parents of upcoming summer parent meetings, and provide a few school updates.  



We have several new teachers joining our LMS Team this school year and a few returning staff that are serving in new roles. Please join me in welcoming and congratulating:

New to LMS

Ms. Sherra Daughhetee          School Nurse

Ms. Addie Larson              Registrar

Mr.  William Layher             World Language (German)

Ms. Payton Murphy                 7th ELA

Ms. Jennifer Riesenmy           ELL

Ms. Hannah Shayer Math Off-Team

Mr. Bradley Wallace                6th ELA

Ms. Karin Wallace      6th ELA  

Ms. Ashley Strobel           7th Grade Science

New Assignments

Ms. Laura Megargel               ELA Off-Team (7th)

Ms. Leah Scheidt   ELA Off-Team (7th)
Mr. Greg Schmitz                   8th ELA



Please make note that LMS is still on summer hours of operation for the Welcome Center. Office Hours are Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. from June 4 through July 20. We will resume regular hours 7:30 a.m.- 3:15 on July 23. Please plan accordingly.


Attention 7th grade parents. All students entering the 8th grade are required to have a Meningitis and Tdap on file prior to the start of the school year.  Many students received these vaccines during their 6th grade year. Majority of the time parents get this notification simply because we don't have record of these shots on file. Please check with your physician to see if your student has had these immunizations. If so, simply have the doctor's office fax a copy to (314)-983-5965. If your child still needs to have these vaccines, now is great time to get an appointment!  If you did not receive a notification letter, your child is up to date and good to go for 8th grade. PLEASE NOTE: Students who do not have up to date immunizations will not receive their schedules in the mail. We are also prohibited from allowing any 8th grade student from beginning classes until the necessary immunization information is provided.  Please be sure to get that taken care of ASAP. Please don't hesitate to call/email our District Nurse Coordinator, Ann Body with any questions or concerns at (314)-983-5560 or


For those of you who like to get a head start on planning, I am sharing a few important back to school dates. More information will be provided as we get closer to the start of school and throughout the summer.


Schedules Mailed - Friday, August 3

Back to School Summer Meeting-Wednesday, August 8

Community Night - Wednesday, August 15 (School Pictures Taken)

First Day of School for Students - Monday, August 20  


A few important things to note: Due to the fact that all back to school annual update forms are not electronic, We WILL NOT have Packet Pick Up and will instead mail schedules and info from the LMSPA to families.


Students will take school pictures during Community Night, on August 15. This is to avoid interfering with instructional time during the school day. Photographers will be available and pictures will be taken in suggested windows of time by grade level. Retakes for those who do not make it to Community Night will be in late September/ early October (TBD). Families should make every effort to take pics during Community Night if at all possible.


Please mark your calendars and plan to attend our back to school meeting on August 8 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will begin with all grade levels together in the LMS Cafe and then split into grade level specific groups. This is an opportunity for students and their parents/guardians to meet administrators, ask questions, and hear pertinent back to school information. The meeting is very informal, so please don’t worry if you cannot attend. We especially encourage “New to Ladue” families to attend. More information about the meeting is included in grade level back to school letters that are attached to this email. Students are welcome and encouraged to attend.


The LMS PE Department will be implementing a uniform t-shirt this year for incoming sixth graders. Seventh and eighth grade will grandfather in the policy, thereafter. The department is excited about this change as it will create more uniformity and aligns with best practices learned at recent professional development workshops. The cost of the shirt will be $7.00. Shirts will be available for purchase in the PE Coaches office and through the LMSPA.


Eighth graders have the opportunity to play sports with other local middle schools this year in a play, no cut, free program. The sports offered are: volleyball (girls) and cross country (co-ed) in the fall; basketball (boys and girls) in the winter;  and field hockey (girls) and track (co-ed) in the spring. All students who would like to participate must turn in a physical that is dated on or after February 1, 2018. Fall sports start a few weeks after school begins, so please schedule your child's physical if he or she needs one and would like to participate. More information about sign-ups will come out when school begins.

After School Care is offered at the Fifth Grade Center and Ladue Middle School. This program is designed to provide 5th-grade and middle school students with a safe, well-supervised after-school environment. The on-site program runs after school at each location until 6 p.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session. The afternoon schedule includes structured activities, homework time and a snack.

Registration for Before and/or After School Care
for the 2018-19 school year is available online at


LMSPA Meetings
The LMSPA will have both day and evening meetings to accommodate varying schedules -- all are encouraged to attend! Meetings will be held on the following dates at LMS (room TBD):
           Tues. 9/4, 12-1:30 pm
           Wed. 10/3, 6:30-8 pm
           Tues. 11/13, 12-1:30 pm
           Wed. 12/5, 6:30-8 pm
           Tues. 1/8, 12-1:30 pm
           Wed. 2/6, 6:30-8 pm
           Tues. 3/5, 12-1:30 pm
           Wed. 4/3, 6:30-8 pm
           Tues. 5/7 (closed meeting for Exec Board only) 12-2 pm
You can subscribe to email blasts from the Ladue Middle School Parent Association at  
The LMSPA can also be followed on Facebook at and on Twitter @mylmspa

Community Night
The LMSPA invites all students and families to celebrate the beginning of a new school year on Wednesday, August 15 from 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. This is an opportunity for parents and students together to:

  • Get school pictures taken (at your designated grade level time)
  • Bring schedule and walk your classes
  • Bring a combination lock for your assigned locker
  • Receive your technology totes and student planners in exchange for locker combinations
  • Decorate the inside of your locker  
  • Fill your locker with school supplies
  • Remove some of the first day jitters
  • Turn in all School and Parent Association paperwork
  • Buy school logo clothing – cash and credit cards accepted
  • Visit with all of your friends
Siblings are welcome at Community Night, and Kona Ice will be provided!
Past large turnouts result in some crowding, so we ask that the following schedule be followed if at all possible: Sixth Grade (4-5 pm), Seventh Grade (5-6 pm), Eighth Grade (6-7pm)
Please be aware that teachers will not be in classrooms during Community Night. Students should attend Community Night with parents/guardians.
If you ordered school supplies through the LMSPA. Supplies will be available for pick up at Community Night in the LMS Cafe from 4-7 p.m.


If you are doing any additional shopping for school supplies this summer, please consider purchasing an extra binder or combination lock to donate when we return back to school. These items are always in demand and will be distributed to students who need them via the LMS counselors, Janey Worthington, Roger Scherck, and Yvette Sykes.



Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found at

Have a great rest of your summer and stay cool!

8/3 Schedules Mailed
8/8 LMS Back to School Summer Mtg for Families; 6:00 p.m. (LMS Gym)
8/10 District Opening Mtg. (Welcome Center closed until 12:30 p.m.)
8/13 LMS Breakfast/Back to School Staff Mtg.(Welcome Center closed until 9:45 a.m.)
8/15 Community Night; 4-7 p.m.
8/15 School Pictures (Community Night at designated grade level time)
8/16 All District Professional Development (Welcome Center closed until noon)
8/17 New 7th and 8th Grade Student Orientation; 8:30-10:00 am
8/20 First Day of School
8/24 LMSPA Sponsored Parent Coffee; 8:30 - 9:30 am (LMS Cafe)
8/29 Meet The Teacher Night; 6:30 - 8:30 pm
9/4 Start of After School Activities
9/5 Sixth Grade Camp Parent Meeting; 7:00 pm
9/14 Early Release; 12:40 Dismissal

That's all for now. More updates will come as we get closer to the school year. Don't forget to click on the links below to view welcome letters from Mr. Scott Lackey (6th Grade Principal), Dr. Vanessa Cochran (7th Grade Principal) and Ms. Sarah Schwartz (8th Grade Principal). I've attached a letter as well.

Take Care!

Dr. T-J

Principal, Ladue Middle School

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