August 6, 2013

Good afternoon and Happy Friday:
     I am not sure if you have noticed this, but for some reason, this four-day week has seemed long.  The kids and teachers/staff are still doing well, but this old man is dragging right now.  
     Some items below are repeats, while others are new additions.  As always, please excuse any omissions or mistakes.

Parent Teacher Conferences
     Fall Parent Conferences are scheduled for October 23 and 24.  If you have not done so already, you may be able to sign up for open time slots through our LMS website at

To LMS Families from the LMSPA,
     We have 2 important messages for you regarding Buzz Book and grade level parent parties.  
#1 - New Buzz Book entries and updates were due by the end of day today, August 30th.  We are extending the deadline until Monday, September 2nd.  After that time, any additions or changes made will NOT be included in the paper Buzz Book!
DUE by Monday, September 2nd - LMSPA Buzz Book updates and informational email blast request:
     Do you want your child to be listed in the LMSPA online and paper Buzz Book (online student directory) and/or receive communications from the LMSPA throughout the year?
IF YES and you haven't done so already, please click on the following link to go to the LMSPA website Buzz Book page.
Once there, do the following:
     Choose option 1, if you are new to LMS, and need to set up information about your family and child.
     Choose option 2, if you had a child at LMS and entered buzz book information last year or if you have already completed option 1 and would like to go back in and review your entry.  If you have forgotten your password, use option 3!
     * If you want your information published in the Buzz Book, you must click the appropriate check boxes at the bottom of the page.
     * If you want to receive LMSPA informational emails, you must click the appropriate check box at the bottom of the page.
     After you have created or updated your information, please go back in using Option 2 and view your family's information to make sure it is accurate.  If you would like to notate to whom a cell phone number belongs, you can put a name in parenthesis after the appropriate cell number.
     After September 2nd, any changes made to the online Buzz Book will NOT be included in the paper Buzz Book!
     The LMSPA reserves the right to modify the data for publishing purposes in the paper version of the Buzz Book in order to accommodate page size constraints.
#2 - Mark your calendars for the upcoming grade level parent parties.  
6th Grade Parent Party - Friday, September 27th.
            Hosted by Rich and Julie Lane - Time to be announced.
7th Grade Parent Party - Saturday, September 21st.
            Hosted by Mark and Jodi Blucher - Time to be announced.
8th Grade Parent Party - Date and time to be announced
            Hosted by John and Jill Farmer
     Please watch for more communications with addresses, start times and items to bring.

School Picture Re-Takes
      If for some reason your child is absent last Wednesday, we will have a Re-Take Day on Wednesday, October 9.  Should you need another order form, there are extras in the Welcome Center Office. 
     If you have questions, concerns or special requests, please direct them to Wagner Portrait Groups at 314-567-5900.   

Bus Passes
     As previously communicated, please be aware that we cannot issue bus passes for the following buses until further notice:  L3, L5, L7, L9, L16, L17, and L20. 

Early Release Day
     Our first Early Release Day of the year will be next Friday, September 13, at 12:40 p.m.  Please be aware that, in the past, large numbers of students walk to local businesses on these days.  On such occasions, behaviors have not always been stellar.  I am not assuming that problems will occur with this year’s students, but just wanted you to be aware.

Bus Behaviors
     I also want you to be aware that we are in the process of addressing some negative bus behaviors that have come to our attention recently.  Specifically, we are targeting inappropriate language, throwing items on/out of the bus, and the “saving” of seats based upon grade level (i.e. the 8th graders reserving portions of a bus). 
     We have reviewed our expectations over morning announcements and followed up with specific discussions during classes.  I would greatly appreciate you reinforcing with your children, if they ride a bus to/from school, that we want everyone to have a safe, positive experience.  Actions that are detrimental to a safe bus ride will be addressed through our discipline policy and may, if deemed appropriate, result in suspension from the bus for a period of time.  Your help in this would be valuable.

Upcoming Calendar Events:
Monday, September 9 through Thursday, September 12
Discovery Education Testing; Block Schedule
Friday, September 13
Early Release Day – 12:40 p.m.
Friday, September 20
7th Grade Kansas City Trip packets due to Social Studies teachers
Monday, September 30 through Wednesday, October 2
6th Grade Camp – Session 1
Wednesday, October 2 through Friday, October 4
6th Grade Camp – Session 2
Kansas City Parent meeting - October 30 6pm
Wednesday, October 9
Picture Re-Take Day
Thursday, October 10
Fundraiser Kick Off Assemblies
Friday, October 11
Early Release Day – 12:40 p.m.
End of Quarter 1
Fundraiser Post Card turn in (all lunches)
Wednesday, October 16
Fundraiser Turn In day 1 (all lunches)
Monday, October 21
Scholastic Book Fair (in the Library, all week)
Wednesday, October 23
Fundraiser Turn In day 2 (all lunches)
Red Ribbon Week (through October 31)
Parent Conferences 3:50 – 7:40 p.m.
Thursday, October 24
Early Release Day – 12:40 p.m.
Parent Conferences 1:00 – 6:40 p.m.
Friday, October 25
No School
Monday, October 28
Fundraiser late order turn in
Wednesday, October 30
7th Grade Parent/Chaperone meeting re: Kansas City Trip (6:00 – 7:00 p.m., LMS Cafeteria)
Thursday, October 31
6th Grade Party 3:10 to 4:10, LMS Cafeteria

I hope you have a great weekend.


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