LMS Dad's Club Meeting Septebmer 30, 2013

As predicted, I failed to include the following notice last Friday.

The LMS Dad's Club will be meeting in the LMS Library at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 30 to discuss the following agenda:

  • Meet existing and welcome new members of the LMS Dad's Club.
  • Brief overview of who we are and what we do.
  • Discuss our historic social activities and events.
  • Plan calendar of events for the school year.
  • Lastly, we have invited Rob Garrett, Head Varsity Baseball Coach at Ladue High School, to discuss exploratory initiatives in establishing a Junior Rams baseball program at LMS.  If you have a child at LMS interested in playing baseball, this is a terrific opportunity to learn more about our initiatives and provide valuable feedback.
Please contact the LMS Dad's Club President, Joe Mulligan, with questions at 314-503-4384 or joemulligan910@gmail.com

I hope you've had a good weekend.


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