October 11, 2013

Good afternoon:
I am looking out my office window at a glorious afternoon.  I hope you have the chance to enjoy the great weather today at some point.
The week, although busy with Picture Re-Takes, Fundraiser assemblies, and the end of the Quarter, went pretty well.  We did have a bat in our Gym on Wednesday morning right before re-takes were to begin on the Stage.  Our staff did a great job of 1) re-routing arriving students to other locations, 2) sealing the Gym, and 3) contacting Animal Control.  I am pleased to announce that the bat left LMS in good shape.  Picture re-takes were delayed for only a short amount of time.  Administrator classes don’t often include a chapter on bats, so the best one can do in these situations is “wing” it . . . . I am truly sorry about that.

Upcoming Calendar Events:
Tuesday, October 15
Ladue Education Foundation Breakfast, Frontenac Hilton – 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday, October 16
Fundraiser Turn In day 1 (all lunches)
Monday, October 21
Scholastic Book Fair (in the Library, all week)
Wednesday, October 23
Fundraiser Turn In day 2 (all lunches)
Red Ribbon Week (through October 31)
Parent Conferences 3:50 – 7:40 p.m.
Thursday, October 24
Early Release Day – 12:40 p.m.
Parent Conferences 1:00 – 6:40 p.m.
Friday, October 25
No School
Monday, October 28
Fundraiser late order turn in
Tuesday, October 29
7th Grade Party, LMS Cafeteria and Gym – 3:10 to 4:10 p.m.
Wednesday, October 30
7th Grade Parent/Chaperone meeting re: Kansas City Trip (6:00 – 7:00 p.m., LMS Cafeteria)
Thursday, October 31
Halloween (see below)
6th Grade Party 3:10 to 4:10, LMS Cafeteria

Character Council (new)
Students interested in participating in this year’s Character Council can complete an application and return it to the Welcome Center or their Counselor.  The deadline for applications is November 1.  Students can obtain an application form during lunches and in the Welcome Center.  

Speaker Series: from Counselor Janey Worthington (new)
The Girls in the Know Speaker Series will be available to LMS mothers and daughters this fall.  This educational speaker series is a unique opportunity for important "teen" information to be delivered by female professionals side by side to mothers & daughters.  When girls have positive communication at home they report it helps them establish individual values, make healthier decisions, develop a stronger sense of self while experiencing less depression and anxiety.  See the attached flyer for registration information.

PeachJar (update)
A link to the PeachJar program described last week is now at the bottom of the LMS website page.
Junior Rams Baseball Exploratory Initiative (update)
As previously announced, the LMS Dad’s Club is working with various members of the Ladue School District to evaluate our community’s interest in establishing a Junior Ram’s Baseball program for children in grades five through eight. The LMS Dad’s Club created a short on-line survey (
Junior Rams Baseball Survey) to help ensure that any Junior Rams baseball program is shaped and molded to best meet the goals and objectives of the LMS and Fifth Grade Center community. Participation in the survey has been very encouraging, as we have had 65 parents log on thus far to share their thoughts about what is most important to them in establishing a potential Junior Rams baseball program. For those that have responded – thank you. For all of the rest – you have until midnight Monday October 14th to make your voice heard. The survey results will be tabulated on Tuesday October 15th and will be presented to the community at a meeting held in the LMS cafeteria on Monday October 21st at 7:00 p.m. Joining us at the meeting will be Rob Garrett, the Head Varsity Baseball Coach at Ladue High School and Physical Education Instructor at the Fifth Grade Center, potentially along with other invited guests. The purpose of the meeting is present the survey results to the community and discuss possible options for the Spring 2014 baseball season.  As evidenced by the Cardinals pursuit of their 12th World Series championship, Saint Louis and the Ladue Schools community are fortunate to be at the epicenter of “baseball heaven”. This is a great opportunity for you to fall back in love with America’s true pastime and help start a new tradition of baseball excellence for the Ladue Junior Rams.  For questions or additional information, please contact the President of the LMS Dad’s Club – Joe Mulligan – at 314-503-4384 or at joemulligan910@gmail.com.
Pictures (follow up)
If you have and questions regarding the picture and re-take process, Wagner Portrait Group asks that you contact them at 314-567-5900.

Report cards/Parent Conferences (repeat)  
The last day of Quarter 1 is October 11.  Report cards will be handed out at Parent Conferences on October 23 and 24.  If you would like to view your child’s grades prior to that date, you may access them through the Infinite Campus parent portal beginning on October 16.  Your student can also access this information as well for you.  If you are not able to attend Parent Conferences, your child’s grades will be mailed on October 28.  Should you not have parent portal access, please contact Peggy Briedenbach at 993-3900.
As a reminder, you may be still able to sign up for open time slots through our LMS website at http://www.ladue.k12.mo.us/lms/ if you have not done so already.   Signups have been available since August 9.

I hope you and your family have a great weekend.

Go Cards!


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