January 9, 2014


Good morning.

Thank you for your patience this morning with traffic and student drop off.  It actually went better than I imagined and the credit goes to you all who came in by car.  It may serve as a practice for tomorrow morning (more to come below).

After School Activities today
Our After School Activity Buses typically begin running the second week of each new semester.  The first day for the new cycle of after school activities will be next Tuesday, January 14.  I have put a message out to teachers and am having announcements made to students during lunches today. 
Another consideration is possible weather and travel conditions this afternoon.  Forecasts call for some rain/precipitation at some point today (time seems to depend on who you listen to).  If this arrives at some point when temperatures are still near freezing, I want to stay on the side of caution.  If I am being an old man and the rain/precipitation doesn’t begin until this evening or when temperatures are above 32, then that is okay. 
Although some activities do meet when buses are not available, I am relaying to our staff that students should go home at dismissal today.  This will include Play practice/rehearsal and LMS sports practices.  Please be aware that this affects the Middle School only today.  Other after school activities in other district schools (that may or may not be dependent upon activity buses) may still occur as scheduled.

Ski Trip Tomorrow
At this time, we ARE planning on the scheduled Ski Trip activity to Hidden Valley on Friday.  However, rain is predicted for tomorrow/tomorrow night.  If Hidden Valley remains open, the Ski Trip will occur.  If Hidden Valley closes tomorrow, then the trip will be called off and we will need to use our alternate date (February 28 at this point).  Mark Biernbaum, LMS Teacher and Ski Trip Coordinator, has been in touch with Hidden Valley to see what their plans are.  He has been told that if the facility closes due to weather, they will make this decision by noon on Friday.  Should this occur, I will get an update out as soon as possible. 
If the trip does occur tomorrow, here are some important points:
·      Students should bring warm clothing to school.  They will change into their ski clothes immediately after school in assigned classrooms/rooms, then report to their assigned bus in the rear parking lot.  Backpacks should remain in their school lockers.  The building will be open for students to retrieve their backpacks upon returning to school at 9:30 pm.
·      Ski/snowboard equipment that arrives prior to the beginning of the school day should be delivered to the Welcome Center Lobby.  Parents may also drop off equipment to the Welcome Center during the school day (8:10 am to 2:45 pm).  Please make sure all equipment/items are labeled with the student’s name.
·      If your student in planning on staying late at Hidden Valley (and not planning to return to school with the group), then they MUST bring a note signed by a parent indicating this and provide it to their bus chaperone when boarding the bus on Friday afternoon.  The note should specify your student’s name, grade level and clearly state your permission for them to remain at Hidden Valley after our buses leave.  A contact number in case of questions would also be appreciated.

Semester 1 Report Cards
With the delay in resuming school this week, we will try our best to have report cards ready for mailing and at our Board Office for processing at the beginning of next week.  If something occurs which might delay this, I will let you know.

Thanks for your time.


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