Ski Trip Backup Plan January 10, 2014


Good morning.

This message is for parents of those students signed up to participate in today’s Hidden Valley Ski Trip activity.

If Hidden Valley contacts us prior to the end of the school day to inform us that they will be closing due to rain, we will follow the steps below:

1)  I will send out a Blackboard Connect email message and blog message to all LMS parents informing you of the cancellation.

2)  I will make an announcement over the school intercom system informing all LMS students and staff members.

3)  I will request that teachers allow students on today’s Ski Trip list to use their cell phones to call/text parents.  Those students on the Ski Trip list that do not have cell phones can be sent to one of our offices to use a phone if needed.

4)  I will be around until 4:00 pm today if equipment cannot be taken home by students at dismissal.  Equipment remaining in the Lobby will then be secured in my office over the weekend.  Should additional space be needed, we will also secure equipment in our Office Conference Room.

This plan is far from perfect, but it is the best I can come up with.

Thanks for your time and consideration,


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