7th Grade Trip and Medications
Dear 7th Grade Parents,
This email contains information regarding medication administered on the 7th grade trip. If your child normally takes medication during the school day, or if your child has an inhaler or an epipen on file in the nurse's office, those medications will be sent on the trip and administered by teachers at the appropriate times. Because the field trip lasts until 8:30 p.m. there may be medications your child normally takes at home that he/she would need to take while on the trip. If that is the case, please contact our school nurse, Christina Patrick, at cpatrick@ladueschools.net and she will walk you through the necessary steps.
For students that have food allergies, a separate email will be sent to those parents with detailed menu items for lunch and dinner that day.
Thank you so much!
Laila Crabtree
7th grade Trip Coordinator