October 29, 2014

Good afternoon, everyone. 

Tiffany, Janey, Roger and I will be flying to Washington, DC for the National Character Education Conference tomorrow afternoon, so I wanted to take a moment to get this out early this week before I got distracted with something else and forgot. 
As previously mentioned, LMS has been named a National School of Character and our building will be recognized during the conference.  This is a great accomplishment and comes after many years of dedication and hard work from our staff, current and past students, and current and past parents.  Janey, Tiffany and Roger have been instrumental in this effort and deserve the recognition.  I am lucky enough to be included as well.   


Congratulations to the following students that had a great audition and will play in the St. Louis Suburban Music Educators All-Suburban Honors Orchestra.  These students were selected from the over 300 young musicians that auditioned Monday evening.
Becky Tan, Cello
Hope Shimony, Viola
Anna Zhong, Concertmaster (Violin)
Shelei Pan, 3rd chair Violin 1
Egret Jin, 6th chair Violin 1
Louisa Yang, 7th chair Violin 1
Akshay Govindan, Violin 1
Katie Shaw, Violin 1
Yifu Zhu, Violin 1
Brendan Yang-violin 1
Felix Hu, Violin  2
Cindy Wang, Violin 2
Moses Schindler, Violin 2

Congratulations to the following students that earned a spot in the St. Louis Suburban Music Educators Association All-Suburban Honors Band.  These students were selected from the over 500 young musicians that auditioned.
Hannah Harder, Flute
Sarah King, Percussion
Tyrone McNichols, Trumpet
Luke Minkler, Percussion
Seema Patil, Clarinet
Reece Rode, Percussion
Joji Sherman, Baritone B.C.
Ethan Wang, French Horn
Brandon Yan, Trumpet

Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Tiffany Taylor-Johnson and secretary Mary Lobosco for putting everything together for our Fall Conferences.  Having the responsibility of running conferences previously at LHWHS, I can appreciate everything that is needed to pull this off. 

Congratulations (again) to Janey Worthington, who will be honored as the Missouri School Counselor of the Year at a conference at Tan-Tar-A on Sunday, November 2.


Sunday, 11/2
Daylight Savings Time ends (Fall Back)

Tuesday, 11/4
Election Day; Voting in LMS Library
Wednesday, 11/5
LMS Orchestra concert, Grades 7 – 8; 7 pm; HS Performing Arts Center
Friday, 11/7
Ram Award Pizza Day; All lunch shifts
LMS Fall Play; 4:30 pm and 7 pm; HS Performing Arts Center

Monday, 11/10
LMS Penny Wars begin (see below)
Tuesday, 11/11
6th Grade Parents to Lunch; 10:38 – 11:08 am
ELL Pie Night; 7 pm; LMS Cafeteria
Wednesday, 11/12
7th Grade Parents to Lunch; 11:26 – 11:56 am
LMS Vocal Music concert; 7 pm; HS Performing Arts Center
Thursday, 11/13
7th Grade Trip; Trout Lodge and City Museum
8th Grade Parents to Lunch; 12:14 – 12:44 pm
Friday, 11/14
No School; Professional Development Day for Teachers

Monday, 11/17
LMS Canned Food Drive begins (see below)
Tuesday, 11/25
LMS Turkey Trot and Assembly (see below)
Wednesday, 11/26 through Friday, 11/28
Thanksgiving Break; No School


If I discover I have left anything of importance out of this, I will put out a follow up message this coming Sunday.


LMSPA and California Pizza Kitchen
The LMSPA is offering another great excuse not to cook through a weeklong Dine to Donate event.  Simply present the flyer attached to this Blackboard Connect email any time Monday, November 3 through Sunday, November 9
at California Pizza Kitchen in Creve Coeur and they’ll take care of the rest.  Thanks for your support.

Title I/Parent Right To Know 
Ladue Middle School receives Title 1 Funds under the regulation of the "No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) that was signed into law by President George Bush on January 8, 2002.  This funding allows us to provide math intervention classes and resources for students that meet eligibility requirements.  Parents of eligible students have been contacted.  Attached to the Blackboard Connect email is a letter explaining NCLB and parent rights under NCLB.  We are required to send this letter annually to our entire student body in order to receive the funding. 

Mural Project
Local artist Robert Fishbone has been commissioned by the LMSPA to work with our Art students in developing a mural in our building.  He has already met with Michelle Graf’s students in developing a theme and concept.  Mr. Fishbone and the students are scheduled to be work in early November.  Once completed, I will try to remember to get some pictures and attach them to a Parent Update.



Ladue Middle School 17th Annual Turkey Trot, Penny War and Canned Food Drive
Penny Wars:  November 10 – 14
Show that your grade level is the most caring and has the most spirit.  Each grade level will have a jug placed in the lobby all week for donation collection.  All pennies and checks (made out to Ladue Middle School) placed into a jug count as a positive amount.  All silver coins and paper money counts as a negative dollar amount equivalent to their denomination.  The grade level with the greatest positive (or least negative) amount at the end of the week wins!  All donations will go to Free the Children Create Change program to help children and families in impoverished countries.
Canned Food Drive:  November 17 – 24
LMS is collecting can and money donations for Gateway 180, an area shelter that distributes food and funds to many area homeless shelters.  There will be a competition to see which class at each grade level can bring in the most cans.  The class with the best overall per student donation average will win a pizza party.  The winning class at each grade level will receive a soda and chip party.  You may choose to bring in money instead of cans.  One can equals $.50 (make checks out to Ladue Middle School).  All cans will be turned into the before school grade level waiting area (cafeteria or gym) and collected by parent volunteers as well as members of the Social Justice Club and National Junior Honor Society.
100 Can Club – All students bringing in 100 cans will receive a 100 Can Club Certificate hung in the hall with their name on it and their name read on the afternoon announcements.  Members of the 100 Can Club will have the opportunity to throw a pie in one of their favorite faculty member’s face!
Turkey Trot:  November 25
A special Turkey Trot schedule will be created with shortened periods that will allow for the running of three separate one-mile races, one for each grade level, as well as an all school celebration at the end of the school day. 
All School Celebration Assembly:  November 25; 2:25 – 3:05 pm
We will recognize the winning grade level of penny war, the winning classes of canned food drive, 100 can club members and turkey trot winners. 100 can club members will be selected at this time to throw a pie in the face of some of their favorite faculty members!

Canned Food Drive
Parent volunteers are needed for the LMS Canned Food Drive.  This will occur Monday, November 17 through Monday, November 24 (7:15 to 8:20 am).  Please contact Nancy Edwards (my Secretary) at nedwards@ladueschools.net or call (314) 983-5502 if you are able to volunteer for this great event.  We need one volunteer for each grade per day.  You do not have to work every day.  Working even one morning would be a tremendous help.

Ski Trips
For the past eighteen years, LMS has provided students opportunities to ski and/or snow board at Hidden Valley.  There were more than 450 students who participated last year alone, with almost 150 who learned to ski for the first time.  There are two options for students to participate this year:
1.    Students may purchase the Friday season pass, which allows them to go skiing or snow boarding every Friday that Hidden Valley is open for the season.
2.    Students may purchase a single-day pass good only for our first ski trip on January 9 (all dates are listed below).
Ski Trip registrations will be held in the mornings, before school/beginning at 7:15 am, on the following dates:
·      8th grade: Tuesday, November 4
·      7th grade: Wednesday, Nov. 5
·      6th grade: Thursday, Nov. 6
·      If students missed your day: Friday, Nov. 7
 2015 Ski Trip dates are:
·      Jan 9
·      Jan 23
·      Jan 30
·      Feb 6
·      Feb 20
·      If needed Feb 27 will be our makeup day
Informational sheets should be provided to all students to bring home today.  I am attaching a copy of the sheet to the Blackboard Connect parent update email for your information.

LMSPA eBlasts
If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on boardbriefs.blogspot.com

Have a great remainder to your week and weekend.


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