November 28, 2014

Good afternoon. 

I hope you and your families have been able to have a joyous and safe Thanksgiving holiday.


In regard to the above, I would like to share my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to you all.  I am blessed to be able to work in a great school, with great colleagues, outstanding students, and parents who are supportive and value our educational programs. 


Monday, 12/1
Discovery Education (DE) testing (through 12/4); Block Day schedules
·      12/1 – White day/Periods 1, 3, 5, 7
·      12/2 – White day/Periods 2, 4, 6, 8
·      12/3 – Blue day/Periods 1, 3, 5, 7
·      12/4 – Blue day/Periods 2, 4, 6, 8
Friday, 12/5
Regular schedule – periods 1 through 8
Hearing screenings
DE test make up day
Ram Award Pizza day; all lunch shifts

Monday, 12/8
Scholastic Reading Inventory testing for those students below grade level (through Friday, 12/12)
Wednesday, 12/10
LMS Orchestra concert, Grade 6; 7 pm; LMS (see below)
Thursday, 12/11
LMS Band concert; 7 pm; LMS (see below)
Friday, 12/12
Early Release day; Dismissal at 12:40 pm

Friday, 12/19
End of Semester 2

Monday, 12/22 through Friday, January 2
Winter Break

Monday, 1/5
School resumes


The Orchestra and Band concerts scheduled for December 10 and 11 will occur at LMS.  I incorrectly listed these earlier as occurring at the HS Performing Arts Center.


LMSPA/Gift & Project
The following is from the LMSPA Co-Presidents: Jodi Blucher and Jodi Minkler.
If you are new to LMS or if you have ever asked yourself that question, the information below will help to answer this.
The Gift and Project (lovingly called G & P) Fundraiser is the LMSPA's biggest fundraiser.  It takes place two times per year: Winter (around the holidays) and Spring (near the end of the school year).  Through this fundraiser, families donate to the LMSPA in honor of our wonderful Ladue Middle School Faculty and Staff.  As a family you decide whom you wish to honor with your donation.  Each staff member then receives a letter informing them of who has honored them by donating to the LMSPA (donation amounts are not disclosed).  The money raised then goes to gifts and projects that the LMSPA funds for our school community each year.
In a few days, you will be receiving a letter describing some of the many things that the Gift & Project Fundraiser has helped to do for our school. We hope you will consider honoring your teachers and others with a donation.


Canned Food Drive and Assembly
We concluded a very successful Canned Food Drive this past Monday.  Our Canned Food Assembly, as previously communicated, was scheduled to occur on Tuesday afternoon.  With the cancellation of school on that day, we were not able to communicate school/grade level/classroom totals and celebrate the efforts of everyone who participated. 
I do not wish to complicate our Discovery Ed testing schedule that will occur this coming Monday through Thursday.  I also want to get a feel for where we are as a staff, and get a sense of where our students are, following the events in our area over the past several days before scheduling a school-wide celebration.  I will confer with our admin team on Monday, if not before, and will communicate revised plans if/when they are finalized.

One side of the mural I have referenced earlier was completed by Mr. Fishbone and our Art students this past Monday.  I am including a picture with the Blackboard Connect email for your reference. 


Yearbooks On Sale 
Yearbooks are on sale now. 
Orders can be placed by going to
and entering #8647 to order (or there is a link under the Activities tab on the LMS webpage).  Phone orders can also be made by calling 1-866-287-3096.  Please email any questions to Sharrie Cognac, one of our yearbook sponsors.  She can be contacted at

I have fielded a few recent questions asking when magazines from our yearly fundraiser will begin arriving.  I checked with John Buchanan, who runs our fundraiser through Great American.  He says that most people should be receiving their magazines now or very soon.  Publishers send them out at all different times of the month.  Great American has a 100% satisfaction guarantee on everything.  If you need more information, please contact the company at (877) 289-6247 and they will be able to pull up your order and let you know when it will arrive. 

LMSPA eBlasts
If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on

Take care and be safe (if you are traveling) over the remainder of this week and weekend.


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