December 29, 2014

Good morning.  I hope your families have experienced a joyful and safe holiday season and are looking forward to the coming New Year.


Thank you to Ladue Florist for their very generous donation of flowers to the 7th grade science students. Because of this the 7th grade science classes were able to have a great flower lab to help the students learn about sexual reproduction in plants.


Monday, 12/22 through Friday, January 2
Winter Break

Monday, 1/5
School resumes
Wednesday, 1/7
8th Grade student/parent meeting for next year; LHWHS PAC; 7 pm (see below)
Friday, 1/9
Hidden Valley Ski Trip

Tuesday, 1/13
3rd Quarter After School Activities begin
Thursday, 1/15
8th Grade Parents To Lunch and Principal Meeting (Library)
Friday, 1/16
Early Release Day at 12:40 pm/Professional Development sessions

Monday, 1/19
No School; Dr. Martin Luther King Day holiday
Friday, 1/23
6th Grade Parents To Lunch and Principal Meeting (Library)
Hidden Valley Ski Trip

Thursday, 1/29
7th Grade Parents To Lunch and Principal Meeting (Library) – originally scheduled for 1/22
Hidden Valley Ski Trip



Quarter 3 After School Activities
After School Activities will begin on Tuesday, January 13, and extend through Thursday, March 5.  Due to Parent Conferences on March 11 and 12, Activity sponsors will have the option of meeting on Tuesday, March 10.  If activities will occur on that date, this will be communicated through upcoming Parent Updates as the date approaches.  All activities for Quarter 3 will be posted on the LMS website asap and will meet on the designated day from 3:10 to 4:10 pm, unless otherwise noted.



For parents of current 8th grade students
A scheduling/informational meeting for current 8th grade students who plan on attending Ladue Horton Watkins High School next year, and their parents, will be held on January 7 at the LHWHS Performing Arts Center.  The meeting will begin at 7 pm.

From the Nurse
The nurse wants to remind all parents that students are NOT allowed to transport any medications to school.  Parents must deliver and pick up all medications to and from the nurse and ALL medications require a signature from a doctor - including all over the counter medicines.  Click here for a copy of the Medication Administration Form.  
Or you can also visit the nurse's web page on the LMS website.

Yearbooks On Sale 
Yearbooks are on sale now. 
Orders can be placed by going to
and entering #8647 to order (or there is a link under the Activities tab on the LMS webpage).  Phone orders can also be made by calling 1-866-287-3096.  Please email any questions to Sharrie Cognac, one of our yearbook sponsors.  She can be contacted at

LMSPA eBlasts
If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on

Best wishes to you all,


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