April 29, 2016

Good afternoon.  I hope that your week has gone well.


Thank you and congratulations to Aaron Lehde, Betsy Cytron, Michael Faris, Scott Harris, Katie Solomon and members of the LMS 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Bands for their truly wonderful performances this past Wednesday evening to a packed house at the LHWHS Performing Arts Center.  It was a truly wonderful way to end the day.  The kids (and teachers) did a fantastic job.  

Administrative Professionals Day was this past Wednesday.  I cannot adequately express how valuable our office staff members are to us.  They are:
  • Nancy Edwards, Principal’s Secretary
  • Peggy Breidenbach, Registrar
  • Carol Stephens, Guidance Secretary
  • Danna Anderson, Receptionist
  • Mary LoBosco, Assistant Principals’ Secretary
  • Ann Mohrmann, Library Aide
  • Kelly Shevitz, Clinic Aide
Thank you, as well, to the LMSPA which allowed me to take them to lunch on their day.


Monday, 5/2
World Languages Week
Ram Award Cardinals game; 7:15 PM
Tuesday, 5/3
Teacher Appreciation Day
Wednesday, 5/4
School Nurse Appreciation Day
Orchestra Concert; 7 PM; LHWHS Performing Arts Center
Friday, 5/6
Early Release Day; 12:40 PM
Grade 8 Dance; 7:30 - 10 PM; LMS Cafeteria and Gym (please make arrangements to pick up
    students at 10 PM)

Tuesday, 5/10
LMSPA Executive Board meeting; 1 PM
Friday, 5/13
LMS Citizenship Ceremonies; LMS Gym (Shuttle Bus available at Ladue Chapel)
  • 8th Grade; 8:15 - 9:15 AM
  • 7th Grade; 9:30 - 10:30 AM
  • 6th Grade; 12:45 - 1:45 PM

Tuesday, 5/17
African American Recognition Night; 6 PM; LMS Cafeteria and Gym
Wednesday, 5/18
Talent Show; 1 - 3 PM; LMS Gym
Thursday, 5/19
8th Graders to 6 Flags
Friday, 5/20
6th and 7th Grade Year-End Field Trips
8th Grade Farewell Assembly; Noon - 1:30 PM; LMS Gym (8th grade students may leave with
    parents after the assembly)
Last Day Of School


HEALTHY THOUGHTS (from Nurse Patrick and Coach Wojtow)

Seasonal Allergies
The seasons are changing and bringing with them allergy-causing pollen. In early spring, tree pollens are often a big problem for people with seasonal allergies. Symptoms which may be experienced include:
  • a runny or stuffy nose
  • itchy nose, eyes, ears, throat, roof of mouth
  • red, swollen, watery eyes
  • sneezing
We cannot make pollen disappear, but there are some things that can be done to ease these symptoms:
  • Close the windows in your home and car
  • Run the air conditioner when you can (cleans the air indoors)
  • Avoid planning outdoor activities for early in the morning when pollen levels tend to peak
  • Don't hang sheets or clothes outside to dry
  • Be aware that pollen clings to your skin, hair, and clothing: take a shower and wash your hair after extended outdoor periods. Minimally, wash hands and face when coming indoors.  Change into clean clothes and toss the dirty ones into the washing machine.
  • Vacuum weekly
  • Ask your doctor about allergy medications

Prescription Drug Drop-Off Locations
Properly disposing of unneeded or expired medications is a simple way to help prevent drug abuse.  Did you know that there are multiple medication drop-off locations in the St. Louis and surrounding areas?  These locations are now year-round. Please follow the link below for a large list of locations that will accept your old over-the-counter or prescription medications.


Immunization Information
There have been some immunization changes required by the state of Missouri that will affect students going into 8th grade next school year. Students entering 8th grade will now be required to have a meningitis immunization and a Tdap immunization prior to starting 8th grade. Your child may have already had both of these immunizations. Please check with your pediatrician to see if these have been completed and, if not, get an appointment scheduled.  Please send the updated immunization records that reflect that your child has these immunizations. The nurse's office will accept the records immediately - no need to wait until summer!
You may email: cpatrick@ladueschools.net, fax (314)-983-5965, or send in a paper copy of the record to the nurse's office. For more information please go to:
Christina Patrick, MSN, RN
Ladue Middle School Nurse
Phone: 314-983-5530
Fax:     314-983-5965

Student Medications at School
This is a reminder that students are not permitted to carry any medication (over the counter or prescription) to, from, or during school. All medication must be transported by an adult. All medication (over the counter and / or prescription) requires a doctor's note or prescription label. See link below for further information on Ladue Schools’ medication policy.

One of my favorite end-of-year activities is World Language week, which begins on Monday.  This is not only a great opportunity to raise awareness and appreciation of the wonderful languages spoken around the world, but also yet another way to celebrate the diversity of our school and communities.  Were you aware that approximately thirty languages, other than English, are spoken by our LMS students?  They are:  Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, Ekajuk, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Kannada, Kathmiri, Konkani, Korean, Malayalam, Persian, Polish, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Tigrinya, Uyghur, Urdu, and Vietnamese.  I look forward to one activity in particular, which is the “Guess the Language” contest.  Each day, on the morning announcements, the school listens students speaking in another language.  First period classes then try to guess what languages were being spoken and sends an email by 3:05 pm each day to Señora Berrios with their answers.  Prizes are awarded to the winning classes.  Should students need a hint, there are posters in the cafeteria that list the languages spoken here at LMS.

The 8th Grade Party is only 1 week away!

8th Grade Formal Volunteers Needed!!

Please sign up to VOLUNTEER for the 8th Grade Formal onFriday May 6, 2016

See the invitation and all the important information by clicking here!

Thank you to all who have donated to this event. Your contributions are making this event happen! This event is 90% parent funded.

Many thanks to our generous underwriters: the Litz, Migala and Steibler Families. Also, we have many parents generously donating endless hours to make this dance a memorable event for our kids. This is a parent team effort.

We are only 1 week away from the dance and still short of our goal. Donations in any amount can be made via myschoolbucks.com  (please copy and paste this link into your browser also make sure you are under Parent Association Ladue Middle School) or by sending a check to:

Ladue Middle School

9701 Conway Rd.

Ladue, MO 63124

(please mark 8th grade formal in the memo and on the outside of the envelope)

8th Grade Slide Show:

This year, our goal is to have every child represented with at least 1 photograph.  The slide show is intended to be a stand alone activity at the party and will be around 10 minutes long.  

We would love to have your photos from 6th, 7th and 8th grade school activities such as school parties, ski club, field trips etc. Group pictures are preferred. Your child would love to be included in the slide show.

Please submit your photos to lms8thgradeformal@gmail.com.  

If you have a large amount of group photos we can accept DVDs. Please mark the DVD with your child’s name and drop off at the LMS office.

To allow enough time to produce a slide show, please submit your pictures by May 2nd. If you have any questions please e-mail Julie Eastlund at: lms8thgradeformal@gmail.com

Before the dance, Amanda Lucier and Laurie Wayne are hosting pre-party pictures at the Lucier's house at 12 Spoede Lane at 6:30 and all 8th grade students are welcome.
Parents please pick up your child or arrange a ride for them by 7:15.  


La’Due It 5K and Fun Run
Only a few more days until the La'Due It 5K and 1 mile Fun Run. Sign up now!
Sunday, May 1; 9 AM; Starting line at Stacy Park
Register HERE.
Bring canned food to help Fill the Barrel.  Stick around for great attendance prizes.  Kick off the start of National Physical Education and Sport Week.  Be part of a community celebration of health and fitness!
Brought to you by the Ladue Schools Physical Education Department and Wellness Committee.

Book Fair
The buy one, get one free Scholastic Book Fair will be May 2 - 6 in the LMS Library.  This is a great opportunity to stock up for summer reading!  For every item you buy, you get another item for FREE!
Book Fair Hours are:
May 2     12 - 3 PM
May 3 - 5     8 AM - 3 PM
May 6     8 AM - 12 PM

Yearbook Orders
We will order a number of extra yearbooks that will be delivered with our shipment.  These will be available for purchase before school, until they run out.  Please ask your student to pay attention to the school-wide announcements indicating which day they will be sold.  We would appreciate payment by check, in the amount of $35, made out to Ladue Middle School (you may wish to indicate “yearbook” in the memo section).

“Fill The Barrel” Food Drive
Formally known as “Fill The Bus”, this year’s food drive to support Operation Food Search hopes to collect 8,000 pounds of food items district-wide.  The dates for this are May 4 through May 11.  Operation Food Search will provide collection barrels for each building.  Ours will be located in the LMS Welcome Center Lobby.
In addition to this effort, the LMS Character Council will sponsor a “Cap For Cause” Hat Day on May 6.  Students may wear a hat that day in exchange for one can of food donated.  

LMSPA Spring Gift & Project and 8th Grade Legacy Gift Fundraiser
The following message is from the Ladue Middle School Parent Association (LMSPA):
In the next few days, you will be receiving a letter in the mail for the LMSPA's Spring Gift & Project and 8th Grade Legacy Gift fundraiser.
6th and 7th grade families will receive a general Spring Gift & Project letter, and 8th grade families will receive an 8th Grade Legacy Gift letter.
This fundraiser allows you to donate to the LMSPA in honor of any of our wonderful Ladue Middle School teachers and staff who have touched your student's life and your family's life in some way.
For 8th grade families, your donation will help fund the legacy gift for this year's 8th grade class of new furniture for the LMS Library Media Center.  Our current tables and chairs are nearly 20 years old, heavy and very cumbersome for the librarians to move around and reconfigure for the various daily uses of the library.  We are hoping that through your generous contributions, we can make the library a more feasible learning space for LMS students.
The funds raised every year through Gift & Project make up a substantial portion of the annual LMSPA budget.  These funds allow the LMSPA to continue to provide many important programs throughout the year that benefit LMS students, families, and teachers and staff.
We hope that you will make a tax-deductible Spring Gift & Project donation and/or an 8th Grade Legacy Gift donation to support the LMSPA.
Each LMS staff member will receive a letter in the last few days of the school year listing the names of all those who made a donation in his or her honor.  In order to be included on the staff acknowledgement letters, donations must be received by Thursday, May 5.
Please visit the LMSPA website for more information or to donate online:   http://www.mylmspa.com/gift-project/
Questions?  Please contact Gift & Project Co-Chairs Melissa Garza (melissahgarza@gmail.com) or Julie Stappenbeck (jstappenbeck@yahoo.com).
Thank you very much for your support!
Elizabeth Lochmoeller and Reagan Minkler, LMSPA Co-Presidents and the LMSPA Executive Board

Dismissal procedure reminders:
Walkers and/or students in carpool should remain in the LMS lobby until all buses are dismissed (typically by 3:15 PM).  Students may not cross at the crosswalk unless escorted by a parent and/or administrator, nor should students cut in between buses or through the bushes outside in effort to exit prior to bus dismissal.  If special arrangements need to be made, please contact your grade level administrator at 993-3900 (Sarah Schwartz, Grade 8; Tiffany Taylor-Johnson, Grade 7; Scott Lackey, Grade 6).  This applies everyday including Early Release days and on Fridays.

School Supply Sale for 2016-2017
The Ladue Middle School Parent Association is coordinating a school supply sale for the 2016-2017 school year.  The grade level packs include items from the LMS generic school supply lists.   
There are two ways you can order…..
1)  Order online using the Educational Products Inc. website by June 12.  Sales tax will be added at checkout.  Go towww.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks and enter school ID, LAD024
2)  Submit the paper order form to the school office along with a check made payable to the Ladue Middle School Parent Association (LMSPA) by May 21.  You won’t pay tax if you submit the paper order form since LMSPA is a tax exempt organization and will be processing the payment.
Please note that some teachers may have additional class specific items you will need to purchase once school starts and that PE clothes are NOT included with school supplies.
Click here http://www.mylmspa.com/school-supply-packs/ to visit the School Supply Sale webpage on the LMSPA website for all the details including copies of the LMS generic school supply lists and the EPI order form.  School supply packs will be available for pickup at LMS Packet Pick Up Days and Community Night regardless of how you choose to place your order.
Questions? contact Megterry@me.com

LMSPA eBlasts
If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:
Board Briefs
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on boardbriefs.blogspot.com

Have a great afternoon and weekend.



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