February 14, 2014


Good morning and Happy Valentine’s Day.

Remember the massive piles of hand sanitizer and facial tissues you so generously contributed on Community Night back in August?  By the end of the evening, these items had completely filled our smaller conference room and had overflowed into our office area.  I bring this up because Nancy Edwards (Principal Secretary and Principal Brain) informed me yesterday that we are about out of tissues.  If you would be so kind as to send in a spare box if you can with your child, it would be greatly appreciated.  These can be dropped of at the Welcome Center office.  With all the illness going around this year, we have obviously put these to good use.


Monday, February 17
No School; Presidents’ Day
Tuesday, February 18
Patriot Team field trip to Springfield, IL
Thursday, February 20
Trailblazer Team field trip to Springfield, IL
Friday, February 21
Hidden Valley Ski Trip; 3:00 – 9:30 pm
Tuesday, February 25
6th Grade Party 3:10 – 4:10
Thursday, February 27
Pioneer Team field trip to Springfield, IL
7th Grade Party 3:10 – 4:10
Friday, February 28
Hidden Valley Ski Trip; 3:00 – 9:30 pm (make up day)
Tuesday, March 4
Vocal Concert, Grades 5 - 12; 7:00 pm
Wednesday, March 5
Jazz Band Concert, Grades 7 – 8; 7:00 pm
Friday, March 7
I Am LMS activities
Early Dismissal; 12:40 pm
Wednesday, March 12
Parent Teacher Conferences (full day for students)
Thursday, March 13
End of Quarter 3
Parent Teacher Conferences (early release day for students at 12:40 pm)
Friday, March 14
No School
Monday, March 17 through Friday, March 21
No School: Spring Break (Yah!)


Congratulations to 8th grader Sarah Eisenman, who has been selected as Missouri’s top Middle Level youth volunteer in the 2014 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program.  As a State Honoree, Sarah will receive a cash award, an engraved silver medallion, and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. for a series of national recognition events from May 3 – 6, 2014.  You can learn more about Sarah’s book drive project at
Great job Sarah.

Each academic year students admitted to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) are asked to share the name of a teacher who has been especially influential in their development.  Former student Victor Wang has named Paul Turney for this recognition.  Congratulations Paul.

Liz Petersen has been invited by the NSTA (National Science Teachers of America) Board of Directors to serve 3-year appointment on their Science Scope Advisory Board.  Congratulations Liz.



Ski Club/From the Nurse
For ski club make sure to dress in layers, avoiding cotton.  Make sure your outermost layer is a waterproof layer.  Wear a hat because you can loose a lot of body heat through your head.  Wear waterproof gloves and warm socks.   Make sure that there is nothing tight on your wrists or ankles that could cut off circulation and increase your risk for frostbite.  If your fingers or toes lose feeling and are no longer soft to the touch, contact the Ski Patrol.   Always stick with a buddy.  If you notice a friend is behaving strangely they could be cold.  Head inside and get a hot chocolate together.

Lunchtime Lecture Date Change
Due to the snow day on February 5, Debbie Granick's presentation Communication Without Conflict – How to Get More than Grunts, Groans and Eye Rolls has been moved to Wednesday, March 5th from 12-1pm in the LMS Library.

7th Grade Party
7th graders are encouraged to join in Mardi Gras fun with music, food and more on Thursday, February 27 from 3:10 to 4:10 pm in the LMS cafeteria and gym. 
Late buses will be available for transportation home.  Wrist bands may be purchased during lunch that week for $3 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  

Philippines Typhoon Relief
LMS Students, Parents and Staff.  Would you like to help people in the Philippines affected by Typhoon Haiyan?  Typhoon Haiyan was an exceptionally powerful tropical cyclone which struck the Philippines in November 2013 and caused massive destruction.  People affected by the typhoon still have many needs.
The LMS Character Council and a Conway 3rd Grade Junior FIRST LEGO League robotics team are co-sponsoring a collection for the Philippine Nurses Association of Greater St. Louis.
- Cash
- Toothbrushes for children, toothbrushes for adults, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, other personal hygiene items
- Children's flip-flops                   
Thursday, 2/20 and Friday, 2/21 before school in the LMS Welcome Center Lobby.  Donations will be collected through Friday, 2/28 in the LMS Welcome Center Office.
HAT DAY – Friday, 2/21  
Students can donate at least 50 cents, or at least one item, on Friday, 2/21 and wear a hat all day.   
Thank you for your support!



Parent Teacher Conferences (Sign Up ASAP)
Spring Portfolio Conferences are scheduled for 3/12 (3:40-7:20 p.m.) and 3/13 (1:20-6:40 p.m.) Information was sent home in Friday Folders with students and is also posted on our school website. 
Sign ups are online and can be accessed through the following website:  http://www.myconferencetime.com/laduems.  
Please sign up ASAP as appointments fill up fast.  The deadline for signing up is March 7, 2014
To ensure your conference runs smoothly here are a few reminders:
1.  Plan to be at conferences for at least an hour.  You will meet with core teachers for a total of 20 minutes. The other time will be spent meeting with the elective and/or off team teachers.  Plan to arrive on time. If you arrive late, we may not be able to accommodate you.  
2. Upon arrival, please stop at the table in the lobby to pick up a Conference Room Location sheet. This will help you know where you are going.
3. Note dinner times and plan accordingly. Teachers will have a 40 minute dinner break both evenings. When elective teachers are at dinner team teachers are conferencing and when team teachers are at dinner elective teachers are conferencing.  Dinner breaks are as follows:
Wed. 3/12 -Elective @ 4:20, Team @ 5:00 
Thurs. 3/13 -Elective @ 3:40, Team @ 4:20 

8th Grade Dates of Interest
The following are dates specific to parents of current 8th grade students in order to make plans for this spring:
May 2 7:30-10 8th grade dance
May 19 and 20 (all day) 8th grade boat building
May 21 (all day ) 8th grade boat races
May 22 (all day ) 8th grade to Six Flags
May 23 8th Grade Promotion 12pm

LMSPA eBlasts
If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

LMS Lunchtime Parent Lecture Series
The following lectures are sponsored by the LMSPA.  It’s information that will make you a better parent!  Bring a bag lunch, or just bring yourself, your curiosity, and your desire to learn from the best and the brightest.  Note: All of our speakers will begin promptly at noon and end promptly at 1 pm to respect the time of our busy parents.
Parenting, how it changes as they grow!
Wednesday, February 19; 12-1 pm; LMS Library
Come hear national speaker MJ Corcoran introduce the three main parenting stages, along with tips on how to get the most out of your relationship with your teen.  If you are sick of reminding, coaxing or simply being responsible for your teen’s life, join MJ in a lively discussion on how to be more coach-like for a winning relationship with your teen.
MJ Corcoran is a National Speaker, Certified Parenting Coach and M. Ed. strategist.
Stepping Off the Hamster Wheel – Tools for Frenzied Families
Wednesday, February 26; 12-1; LMS Library
Feel like there’s never enough time to do it all?  Jill Farmer will give you tools for unraveling the business in your lives.  Learn how to replace the craziness in your house with some calm.  Tips for overscheduled parents and middle schoolers.
Jill Farmer is the Author of “There’s Not Enough Time . . . and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves” and is a Master Certified Life Coach and speaker.

MAP Testing
Please note that MAP testing will be held on Monday, April 7 through Thursday, April 10.  If possible, please try to avoid scheduling doctor appointments or other time away from school during this period for your children.  We would appreciate it very much.

Yearbook Order information
Yearbooks will be on sale until February 14, 2014.  After that date, pre-orders will no longer be available.  Orders can be placed by going to www.yearbookordercenter.com and entering #8647 to order (or there is a link under the Activities tab on the LMS webpage).  You can also order by phone at 1-866-287-3096.

Board Briefs
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on boardbriefs.blogspot.com

I hope you have a great day today and weekend.  Thanks always for your support and your great kids.


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