August 24, 2014
Good afternoon. I hope your weekend has gone well, and that you have been able to stay cool over the last few days. This would have gone out yesterday, but we got tied up with a birthday celebration during the day and had family over last night. I would like to bring up two items at the beginning of this message, rather than list them down below in the body of the email. Item 1 It came to my attention on Friday, as I was leaving for home, that several of our students were crossing Clayton Road (some of whom were outside marked crossing zones). Please be aware that we have an ABBCO employee (contracted by the district) that serves as a crossing guard (with stop sign and vest) on Clayton Road, near Sportman’s Park, on a daily basis in the afternoons. A Ladue PD officer is normally located at the intersection of Clayton and Conway Roads at dismissal to help release buses and cover that crosswalk for those students who live to the south of our campus...