April 12, 2015

Good afternoon.  I hope your weekend has gone well so far.  The Blues win their final regular season game yesterday and the Cards have come back to tie today’s game.  Not bad at all right now.

Please remind your kids that we encourage everyone (young and old) to wear their Cardinal gear tomorrow in honor of the home opener.


Congratulations to LMS Vocal Music teacher Leah Alrutz and our students who participated in the St. Louis Suburban Solo/Ensemble Festival yesterday.  Kennedy Kittner, Andrea Hartman, Annie McNutt, Rose Coughlin, and Rebecca Cunningham all received a Superior 1 Rating on their solos and ensemble work.  Bedriah Al Kureeti, Egret Jin, Olivia Liu, Abby Yearout, Evynne Jackson, and Anna Perry all received an Excellent Rating 2 for their solos and ensemble work.


Monday, 4/13
Wear Cardinal Stuff Day
MAP Testing, Grade 7
Tuesday, 4/14
MAP Testing, Grade 7
LMSPA meeting (open to the public); 1 – 3 pm
Wednesday, 4/15
MAP Testing, Grade 6
Ram Award Cardinal Game
Thursday, 4/16
MAP Testing, Grade 6
NJHS Induction Ceremony; 8:30 – 9:30 am; LMS Cafeteria
Percussion Concert (Grades 6 – 12); 7 – 8:30 pm; LHWHS Performing Arts
Friday, 4/17
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm

Monday, 4/20
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (English/Language Arts and Science)
Tuesday, 4/21
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (English/Language Arts classroom activity); regular
Vocal Music Concert (Grades 5 – 12); 7 – 8:30 pm; LHWHS Performing Arts
Wednesday, 4/22 
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (English/Language Arts performance task and Science)
Thursday, 4/23
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (English/Language Arts performance task and Science)
Friday, 4/24
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (Math)

Monday, 4/27
Patriot Team field trip
Tuesday, 4/28
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (Math classroom activity); regular schedule
Wednesday, 4/29
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (Math performance task)
Friday, 5/1
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm
8th Grade Semi-Formal; 7:30 – 10 pm



Shoeman Collection
The LMS Partners Club wants your old shoes - really!  You can drop off any used shoes, of all kinds, in the lobby collection boxes marked "Shoeman Water Projects".  Shoes that are collected are resold and funds are used to drill wells and create water purification systems for people in parts of the world without access to fresh water.  All shoes without holes are accepted, but please rubber band pairs together.  The Shoeman collection runs Monday, April 13 -- Friday, April 17.

Fill The Barrel
The District Character Education Committee, in cooperation with Operation Food Search, will be collecting donated food items at each district building to help support area food pantries (that have reduced inventories this time of year).  Food barrels are scheduled to be at LMS (in the Welcome Center Lobby) from April 21 to May 1.



Ram Award Cardinals Game
Wednesday, April 15 is the Ram Award Cardinals game!  As a reward for students who have earned 100 Ram Awards for showing positive character traits, LMS is taking a field trip to see the Cards versus the Brewers.  Students will be meeting at school at 5:45 pm and return around 10 pm.  In order to participate, students must get a permission slip from the AP office and return it signed with 100 Ram Awards.  There are a limited amount of spots available, so only the first 13 students from each grade level to return their slips can participate.

E-Cycling Drive
Ladue Middle School is hosting a Free Community Wide Electronics Recycling Drive on Saturday, April 25, from 10am - 1pm. You can drop off basically anything that has a cord or battery. Things like LCD/LED TV's, computers, printers, keyboards, laptops, radios, cell pones, speakers, fax machines answering machines, air conditioners, microwaves, kitchen appliances, lawn and garden equipment. 

LaDue It 5K
Registration is still open for the La'Due It 5K and 1-mile Fun Run.  We hope to see you at Stacy Park on Sunday, April 26!  5K race time is 9am with the Fun Run to follow (at approximately 10am.)  Registration forms are available on PeachJar and at www.ladueschools.net.  

Current 7th grade students/Immunizations for next year
Students entering 8th grade in the state of Missouri are required to receive the TDaP (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) immunization.  This is usually given by a doctor at age 11 or 12.  If your child has not received this immunization, please consult your physician.  If you have records showing that your child has received it, please provide them to the nurse's office.

LMSPA eBlasts
If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on boardbriefs.blogspot.com

Take care,


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