LHWHS Link Crew Orientation
Good morning. This is for parents of our LMS grade 8 students.
I just sent a Blackboard Connect email to current grade 8 parents regarding an orientation for incoming freshmen to LHWHS in August.
The body of the letter from the LHWHS Link Crew sponsors is below:
Hello! The staff and
students of Ladue Horton Watkins High School
would like to invite
you to:
Link Crew Freshman
Monday, August 3, 2015
8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
LHWHS – Main “Nielsen”
purpose of Link Crew Orientation is to make your transition from middle to high
school a positive one. Juniors and seniors will be serving as your leaders. You
will be involved in large and small group activities to help address all of
your needs and concerns in an enjoyable manner. Wear comfortable clothes (and no flip-flops) and don’t bring too
much stuff (no backpacks, purses) .
. . travel light! If you have any questions, please contact one of the Link
Crew Coordinators listed below.
Refreshments will be provided in the Cafeteria beginning at 7:15 AM – We ask that you arrive prior to 7:55 AM
and report directly to the Cafeteria.
Please be prompt! If you arrive closer to 8 am, please report
directly to the Nielsen Gymnasium.
transportation to Link Crew Orientation will be provided for those who need
it. Bus schedule information for
Orientation Day will be posted on the LHWHS website (http://www.ladue.k12.mo.us/lhwhs/).
Parents, this is a
student-only event.
Please drop-off and pick-up your child promptly. We promise, we will take excellent care of
your Freshman!
will receive a reminder phone call from your junior or senior Link Leader the
night before Orientation. If you prefer not to receive a call from this student
who has been trained to help you, please contact one of the coordinators before
August 2, 2015.
look forward to meeting you on Orientation Day!
Link Crew Coordinators –
Tabscott dtabscott@ladueschools.net 983-5438
Tarpey mtarpey@ladueschools.net 983-5402
Gutchewsky kgutchewsky@ladueschools.net