April 19, 2015

Happy Sunday.  I hope you have enjoyed would weekend so far.  I am in the office for a few hours trying to get caught up.

Administrative Professionals’ Day is Wednesday, April 22.  If you happen to be in our offices this week, please help me recognize and celebrate the contributions of our outstanding Office Staff members: Nancy Edwards, Peggy Breidenbach, Carol Stephens, Danna Anderson, Mary Lobosco, and Ann Mohrmann.    


On Saturday, April 11, 25 7th and 8th grade LMS Orchestra members participated in the St. Louis Suburban Music Educators’ Solo and Ensemble Contest. The students were adjudicated on their performance and given a rating. LMS Orchestra students brought home 14 Superior ratings and 8 Excellent ratings.
Congratulations to:  Elisa Bailey (Excellent), Phani Chintakunta (Excellent),
Sydney Clark (Excellent), Ria Dharnidharka (Excellent), Kashish Dhawan (Excellent), Akshay Govindan (Superior, Superior), Ian Henderson (Superior),
Linnea Holy (Excellent), Felix Hu (Superior), Egret Jin (Superior), Menea Kefalov (Superior, Superior), Lena Liang, Oliva Liu (Superior), Shelei Pan (Superior, Superior), Ria Parpelli (Excellent), Raj Paul, Ananya Pillai (Excellent), Katherine Shaw (Superior), Hope Shimony (Superior, Superior), Steven Smethers (Superior), Cindy Wang (Superior), Louisia Yang (Superior, Superior), Brendan Yang (Superior), Camille Yang (Excellent), Christopher Ye (Superior, Superior), and Anna Zhong (Superior, Superior, Excellent).

Congratulations to LMS student Jordan Ross (Grade 7, Olympian).  Jordan’s bowling team, the Tiger Strikers, won 5th place in a recent tournament.  On top of that, Jordan also received a perfect attendance award for the 5th year in a row.

Congratulations to our 2015-2016 LMS Inductees to the National Junior Honor Society.  The Induction Ceremony was held this past Thursday in the Cafeteria.  The newest NJHS members are:  Madalyn Abady, Fayzan Ali, Emerson Barnett, Miles Bassett, Blake Berg, Alice Breternitz, Lauren Cedergreen, Connie Chen, John Christen, Callista Cox, Olivia DeHaven, Ria Dharnidharka, Kashish Dhawan, Katie Donnelly, Jessica Eastlund, Riley Gage, Lorelei Gebhard, Gavin Giuliani, Jenna Gold, Eli Goldstein, Melanie Gould, Madison Grady, Cecilie Horwitz, Elizabeth Howe, Felix Hu, Egret Jin, Parris King-Levine, Rebecca Knopf, Sarah Lett, Julia Lett, Gabby Levine, Kevin Li, Lena Liang, Nathan Lieu, Celeste Liu, Simone Liu, Michelle Liu, Margaret Lochmoeller, Ben Longo, Elizabeth Loynd, Nathaniel Marsters, Maryanna Martin, Karina Mealey, Alexander Migala, Charles Minifie, Paige Mitchell, Mirabelle Mockler, Haniyyah Muhammad, Nikol Nikolova, Shelei Pan (Treasurer), Seema Patil, Ananya Pillai, Carlos Puyo, Katherine Shaw (Secretary), Jessica Sheldon, Lili Sheley, Isabelle Shepard, Sam Shoykhet, Simerjeet Singh, Bradford Siwak, Will Stappenbeck, Grade Steinback, Madeline Stout, Kevin Tan, Rebecca Tan, Cindy Wang (Vice President), Max Wasserstrom, Michael Wayne, Zach Wild, Schuyler Wolf, Louisia Yang, Christopher Ye, Anna Zhong (President), and Michelle Zhou. 

Congratulations to the members of the LMS Science Olympiad team, our coaches and parents for a first-place finish in the state competition this weekend.  According to Beth Steck, Science Olympiad Coordinator, it was “a nail-biter, with strong competition.”  Pembroke Hill (Kansas City area) placed second and Wydown Middle School (Clayton) placed third.  Qualifying students will travel to Lincoln, Nebraska in May to represent Missouri in the National Science Olympiad competition (this will be their twenty-first trip to Nationals).
State Competition Team
Kate Prablek, Justin Chen, Annie Liu, Albert Liu, Seema Patil, Raj Paul, Nevan Giuliani, Max Kornfeld, Kevin Jiang, Ethan Wang, Akhil Kondepudi, Katie Shaw, Gavin Giuliani, Cindy Wang, and Christopher Ye
State Individual Qualifier
Shelei Pan
State Alternates
Fayzan Ali, Ansh Rana, and Alexander Ye
Event Coaches
Amy Baniak, Brian Scheidt, Christine Allen, Liz Peterson, Emily Chu, Hugh McMonigle, Kathleen Mercury, Kathy Murphy, Kelly Hake, Laurie Lambie, Peggy Doty, Mark Biernbaum, Martin Long, Matt Mortillo, Melody Frese, Michael Clay, Paul Turney, Reva Davis, Sara Eller and Theo Washington

Best wishes to the members of the LMS Science Bowl team and coaches, who will be travelling to Washington, DC on Thursday, April 30.  Student members participating in this trip will be Nevan Giuliani, Felix Hu, Seema Patil, and Moses Schindler.

Best wishes to LMS students Moses Schindler and Kevin Jiang, as well as coach Nancy Chambers, who will be travelling to Boston for the National MathCounts competition on May 7.


Monday, 4/20
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (English/Language Arts and Science)
LMSPA Open Board meeting; 7 – 8:30 pm; LMS Library
Tuesday, 4/21
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (English/Language Arts classroom activity); regular
Vocal Music Concert (Grades 5 – 12); 7 – 8:30 pm; LHWHS Performing Arts
Wednesday, 4/22 
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (English/Language Arts performance task and Science)
Administrative Professionals’ Day
Thursday, 4/23
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (English/Language Arts performance task and Science)
Friday, 4/24
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (Math)

Monday, 4/27
Patriot Team field trip
Tuesday, 4/28
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (Math classroom activity); regular schedule
Wednesday, 4/29
MAP Testing, Grade 8 (Math performance task)
Friday, 5/1
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm
8th Grade Semi-Formal; 7:30 – 10 pm

Monday, 5/4
Teacher Appreciation Week
World Language Week
Wednesday, 5/6
LMS Orchestra Concert, grades 6 – 8; 7 – 8:30 pm; LHWHS Performing Arts Center
Friday, 5/8
Citizenship Ceremonies; LMS Gym: Grade 8 8:15 – 9:15 am, Grade 7 9:30 – 10:30 am, Grade 6 12:45 – 1:45 pm

Thursday, 5/14
Last day for After School Activities

Thursday, 5/21
8th grade field trip to Six Flags
Friday, 5/22
Last day for Students
Grade 8 Farewell Assembly; 8:15 am; LMS Gym
Grade 7 and Grade 6 field trips (more information to follow)



Congratulations to Mr. Milan Rakic, Lead Custodian for LMS.  Mr. Rakic will receive a Distinguished Service Award from the school district at this Wednesday’s Employee Recognition Reception.

Please join me in sending thanks and good wishes to the following staff members who will not be returning to us in the 2015-16 school year:  Debra Beckrich (FACS), Jennifer Bell (FACS), Beth Mothersbaugh (Counselor), Liz Peterson (Science), Mike McBride (Science), Beth Steck (Science), Jeff Lindhorst (Orchestra), Narcisse Laidlaw (Librarian), Michelle Graf (Art), Steve Braun (Social Studies), Lynn Moeckel (Communication Arts), Kameo Thompson (Supervisory Aide) and Slava Prokhorets (Teaching Assistant).  I very much appreciate their service to our students and wish them well in the future!

Welcome to our newest member of the LMS family, Bennett David Graf.  Bennett was born on April 17 to LMS Art teacher Michelle Graf.



Fill The Barrel
The District Character Education Committee, in cooperation with Operation Food Search, will be collecting donated food items at each district building to help support area food pantries (that have reduced inventories this time of year).  Food barrels are scheduled to be at LMS (in the Welcome Center Lobby) from April 21 to May 1.

E-Cycling Drive
Ladue Middle School is hosting a Free Community Wide Electronics Recycling Drive on Saturday, April 25, from 10am - 1pm. You can drop off basically anything that has a cord or battery. Things like LCD/LED TV's, computers, printers, keyboards, laptops, radios, cell pones, speakers, fax machines answering machines, air conditioners, microwaves, kitchen appliances, lawn and garden equipment. 

LaDue It 5K
Registration is still open for the La'Due It 5K and 1-mile Fun Run.  We hope to see you at Stacy Park on Sunday, April 26!  5K race time is 9am with the Fun Run to follow (at approximately 10am.)  Registration forms are available on PeachJar and at www.ladueschools.net.  

Current 7th grade students/Immunizations for next year
Students entering 8th grade in the state of Missouri are required to receive the TDaP (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) immunization.  This is usually given by a doctor at age 11 or 12.  If your child has not received this immunization, please consult your physician.  If you have records showing that your child has received it, please provide them to the nurse's office.

LMSPA eBlasts
If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on boardbriefs.blogspot.com

Take care and have a great remainder to your day.


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