Picture Day 8/26/15
Good morning.
I would like to remind everyone that Picture Day at LMS is
scheduled for this Wednesday, August 26.
Attached to the Blackboard Connect parent email is a reminder, provided
by Wagner Portrait Group.
Pictures will be taken in the Gymnasium. We will pull students from Physical Education
and selected elective classes during the day.
It is my hope that we will be done by around 2 pm.
Picture order forms were sent home with students last
week. If you wish to purchase a picture
package for your child, you can do so in one of two ways:
Complete and picture order form, include
payment, and send it in with your child on Wednesday. Completed order packets should stay with the
student, who will provide it to the photographer in the Gym when their turn
Order a picture package online at www.WagnerPortraitGroup.com and
use the school password “LMS.” Your
child should then return a completed picture order form and a copy of your
online receipt to the photographer.
Should you have any questions or problems, please contact
Wagner at 314-567-5900 or 1-800-444-7986.
Thank you,