August 30, 2015

Good afternoon.  I hope you have had the opportunity to get out and enjoy the wonderful weather this weekend.

With the exception of some transportation issues, we had a pretty good week.  Kids and teachers seem to be settling into their schedules and getting back into “school shape.”

I am including two attachments to the Blackboard Connect Parent Update email that may be of interest. 
·      The first is information regarding technology use that may come in handy to you and/or your kids.
·      The second is in regard to the Junior Rams Basketball Club.  Please note that this is not the school-sponsored sport offered to our 8th graders through our after school sports program.


Thank you to LMS Library Media Specialist Melody Frese for coming up with a “Selfies and Shelfies” contest to promote reading with our students.  Melody put out an email to staff prior to the beginning of school, asking us to provide her with a “selfie” photograph and a “shelfie” picture of our favorite books.  Pictures are posted at the entrance to the Library and students are asked to match the person with their most-loved books.  What a novel idea (get it? . . . novel?).

Thursday, 9/3
LMS Fundraiser Kickoff and Assemblies; LMS Gym
·      8th Grade – Period 1
·      6th Grade – Period 2
·      7th Grade – Period 3
Friday, 9/4
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm; Professional Development

Monday, 9/7
Labor Day: No School
Tuesday, 9/8 through Friday, 9/11
Discovery Education testing; Block Day schedules
Thursday, 9/10
Fundraiser turn in day #1 (all lunches)

Thursday, 9/17
Fundraiser turn in day #2 (all lunches)

Monday, 9/21
7th Grade Trip
Thursday, 9/24
Fundraiser late turn in day (all lunches)
Friday, 9/25
Ladue Education Foundation Annual Breakfast
Saturday, 9/26
‘Due Run 4 Education 5k and 1 mile fun run/walk



Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
PT Conferences are Wednesday, October 21, 2015 (3:40-7:40 p.m.) and Thursday, October 22, 2015 (1:20-7:20 p.m.). Your child was given a postcard on Friday, August 28 to take home. Please refer to the post card for instructions on how to sign up.
To sign up, please visit the following website:
You may also access the website by going to our school's webpage using the following link:
Prior to signing up, please carefully review the instructions that are provided on the first page of the website. 
The online scheduler goes live at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, August 28. Slots fill up very quickly, so please sign up ASAP. 

Girl Scout Community Take Action Projects    
One of our students started a middle school kids book review blog as part of her Silver Award project earlier this year.  Book reviews are posted each week, along with information about new books by favorite authors, author visits to the St. Louis area, and guest posts from other middle school kids.  There is a place on the blog to subscribe to updates by email.  Here's the link to the blog:
A second Take Action project is entitled “Kids Knitting It Forward.”  This project involves knitting items like baby socks, hats, and scarves for charities such as Newborns in Need of Eastern Missouri and HavenHouse St. Louis. Students 4th grade and older of any skill level are welcome. Time spent attending meetings and knitting items can be counted towards community service hours.  More information can be obtained by emailing and meeting dates/times can be accessed at

LMSPA Ring-A-Ram (from Ladue Middle School Parent Association)
Dear Ladue Middle School Families,
The deadline for updating Ring-A-Ram is on August 31st!
The Ring-A-Ram buzz book is the LMS student/parent phone directory created and published by the LMSPA.
The LMSPA is trying to collect all Ring-A-Ram information via our MailChimp email system this year.
If you are currently receiving LMSPA email communicationsyou can update your data using the link emailed to you earlier in the summer.  You can also click on the link below.
If you are NOT receiving LMSPA email communications then you have 2 options:
1)  Sign up for our email communications and at the same time, enter your Ring-A-Ram data.
2)  Fill out a paper Ring-A-Ram form and drop it off in the office.
Please go to  for all the detailed information you need to update your information.
The LMSPA Executive Board

8th graders Spanish students
Do you want to use your language skills in Spanish as well as spend time with friends on the beach and have an adventure at the Yunque rainforest? Do not miss the great opportunity to travel to Puerto Rico during Spring Break 2016. If you would like more information contact Ms. Berrios



8th Grade Sports
Coed Cross Country and Girls Volleyball will be our fall 8th grade sports.  A sign up for any interested 8th grader was today.  If a student would like to participate, but did not sign up, forms are available in the Welcome Center.  Forms should be returned to Jason Theodosiou (LMS Sports Coordinator) or Sarah Schwartz (Grade 8 Assistant Principal) by the first day of practices on September 1.  Please take note that LMS school sports are only offered to students in grade 8, and participation is subject to academic and behavioral requirements.

Meet The Teacher Night survey
Thank you to all parents who attended our Meet The Teacher Night on Wednesday, August 19.  We appreciate the time you give in partnership with our school to benefit our students.  Please provide us with some feedback about the evening through this short survey.

7th Grade Trip
To all 7th grade parents:  The permission packets for the 7th grade trip to Trout Lodge and City Museum on Monday, September 21 were sent home last week.   If your child needs another copy please see the home page of the LMS website. The cost of the trip is $75 and financial aid is available for any family that requests it.  Students that have an out of school suspension or more than one in school suspension assignment will not be eligible to attend.  We will gladly welcome donations to help cover the costs of scholarships.  We are also in need of parent chaperones.  We would ideally like 20 parents for Trout Lodge and 40 parents for City Museum.  Please email with any questions.  Thank you. 

Megan Meier Assembly
The Megan Meier Foundation, which provides anti-bullying presentations, will provide two assemblies to our school on October 9 (this is an Early Release day).  Since each presentation in the Gym will last longer than our regular ER day class periods, we will utilize the following schedule:
·      8th Grade: 8:20 – 9:15 am
·      6th and 7th Grades: 9:49 – 10:45 am

Contact Information
It is important for the middle school to have the correct contact information, address, and phone numbers for your child in case of an emergency.  Address changes must be done by contacting our registrar and providing appropriate documentation.  Please take a few minutes to make sure your child’s contact information is correct by logging on to the Parent Portal.  If you have not signed up to access the Parent Portal, please stop by the middle school with a picture ID and see our registrar, Ms. Breidenbach.  You can also update your information by contacting our registrar, Ms. Breidenbach at 983-5511.

LMSPA eBlasts
     If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
     Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on

Have a great remainder to your weekend.

Thank you,


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