LMSPA Ring-A-Ram

Good afternoon.  The following is from the Ladue Middle School Parent Association.

Dear Ladue Middle School Families,

The deadline for updating Ring-A-Ram is on August 31st!

The Ring-A-Ram buzz book is the LMS student/parent phone directory created and published by the LMSPA.

The LMSPA is trying to collect all Ring-A-Ram information via our MailChimp email system this year.

If you are currently receiving LMSPA email communications, you can update your data using the link emailed to you earlier in the summer.  You can also click on the link below.

If you are NOT receiving LMSPA email communications then you have 2 options:

1)  Sign up for our email communications and at the same time, enter your Ring-A-Ram data.

2)  Fill out a paper Ring-A-Ram form and drop it off in the office.

Please go to http://www.mylmspa.com/ring-a-ram-phone-directory/  for all the detailed information you need to update your information.


The LMSPA Executive Board

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