Friday Dismissals

Good afternoon.

With the upcoming Early Release Day on Friday, at 12:40 pm, I wanted to send out a quick heads up regarding a procedural change we would like to try.

Normal Friday dismissals, on full school days, result in large numbers of students in the Welcome Center lobby waiting for buses to depart.  On Fridays when the weather is nice, large numbers of these students are walkers headed to home or to businesses in Ladue.

This situation is further increased on Early Release day Fridays when the weather is nice and we dismiss earlier than normal. 

We would like to try a different dismissal procedure for Friday afternoons (either full days or early release days) until we see a decline in the number of students who are walking down the street. 

So . . . If a student is NOT riding a bus, they will go to the following areas on Fridays at 3:05 pm:
·      6th grade will continue to wait in the lobby.
·      7th grade will wait in the upstairs hallway outside of rooms 216, 217, & 218.
·      8th grade will wait in the library.

When buses leave our lot, students will then be released from these areas to either walk or meet cars for pick up.  This will not change prior arrangements made through grade-level principals.

Thank you,


Please be aware that we have experienced some past issues (i.e. inappropriate behaviors) with students who patronize businesses on Clayton Road on Early Release days.  I am not saying that the same will occur this year, but I wanted to bring this to your attention.  We will attempt to reinforce, through our announcements, that all students from LMS who visit businesses this Friday after dismissal (and other future Early Release days) will be representing their families and their school.  I have every confidence that they will do so to all of our expectations.

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