September 25, 2015

Good afternoon.  I hope the week has gone well for you.

I was struck today by yet another indication that I am old and that the world is changing faster than I can keep up.  During a weekly meeting with LMS administrators and counselors, the question arose regarding Apple watches being worn to school by students.  I must confess that I had to ask Assistant Principal Scott Lackey, who formerly served as our building’s Technology Coordinator, what an Apple watch was.  My understanding now is that this device not only serves as a watch, but also has Internet/email/text capabilities.  At this time (allowing us some more thought and discussion) we have determined that these can be worn to school but should not be used for any other reason than to tell time (other uses will be based on teacher discretion), as per our practices with cell phone and other personal technology devices.  Should issues arise in the future that would cause us to re-think our position, I will let you know.  This was not covered in principal school eighteen years ago. 


A huge Thank You to the sixty parents that helped chaperone Monday's 7th grade field trip to Trout Lodge and City Museum.  The trip was a huge success and would not have been possible without the amazing support of our parents.  We also wish to thank our generous parents who donated money to cover scholarships for the trip.  We had fifty-eight families donate a total of $2,520, completely covering our scholarship needs.  Thank You parents for stepping up to support our school programs like you always do. 

Because 6th Grade Camp is next week, the office staff, counselors, administrators and TAs helped celebrate our outstanding Custodians today (the official day is next Friday).  Milan Rakic, JB Tate and Steve Bell do SO much for us each day, with little recognition.  I wanted you to know how important they are and to publicly thank them for their efforts and commitment to the students and staff at LMS.


Monday, 9/28
6th Grade Camp session 1 (through Wednesday, 9/30)
Wednesday, 9/30
6th Grade Camp session 2 (through Friday, 10/2)
Friday, 10/2
Custodian Appreciation Day

Thursday, 10/8
Fire Drill; period 1
Friday, 10/9
Anti-Bullying Assemblies
·      Grade 8: 8:20 – 9:15 am
·      Grades 6 and 7: 9:49 – 10:45 am
Early Release Day; 12:40 pm
End of Quarter 1

Tuesday, 10/13
LMSPA Executive Board meeting; 1 pm
Mentor/Mentee Swimming activity; 3:10 to 5 pm; LHWHS Pool
Wednesday, 10/14
Hearing Screenings; Grade 7 students and all students new to Ladue (see below)
Thursday, 10/15
LMS Picture Re-Take Day (see below)
Earthquake Drill; beginning of period 3

Monday, 10/19
Scholastic Book Fair (through Thursday, 10/22); LMS Library
Tuesday, 10/20
LMSPA Fundraiser Product delivery to school (projected date)
Wednesday, 10/21
Regular student attendance day
LMS Fall Parent Conferences
LMSPA Fundraiser Product pick up (projected date)
Thursday, 10/22
Early Release day; 12:40 pm
LMS Fall Parent Conferences
LMSPA Fundraiser Product pick up (projected date)
Friday, 10/23
No School



NJHS Fundraiser
The National Junior Honor Society is sponsoring a fundraiser in memory of their classmate, Joseph Goldman, who passed away last May.  The students would like to give a donation in his name to the Challenger Baseball program, a baseball league for students with disabilities.  Because Joseph loved trains so much, students will create a “Joseph Goldman Positive Train of Thought” where students can donate money and be given a paper train car where they can write a memory about Joseph or (if they never knew Joseph) a positive thought to share with LMS.  Train cars will be sold before school and at lunch the week of October 12-16.  The “Positive Train of Thought” will be displayed somewhere in the school.  Once it’s taken down the train cars with memories of Joseph will be given to his parents.  Donations for this project will also be accepted at parent-teacher conferences.  



Picture Re-Take Day
As indicated above, this is scheduled for October 15.  This is primarily for 1) those students who were absent on our original Picture Day on August 26, and 2) those students whose pictures taken on August 26 have significant flaws.  Although students and parents may not wish to purchase picture packages, we ask that all students have updated/current pictures for our student database system.  Picture packets from August 26 should arrive at school soon for distribution.

Ladue Athletic Booster Club
All parents, teachers and coaches are invited to the Ladue Athletic Booster Club’s 1st Annual Parent Party.  In addition to raising money for Ladue Athletics, the Booster Club would also like to encourage school spirit and spend time together as a community.  The event will occur at The Shack (Frontenac) on October 17 from 7 to 11 pm.  Tickets are $50 per person and checks can be made out to The Ladue Athletic Booster Club.  They can be mailed to the Booster Club c/o Ladue High School at 1201 South Warson Road (63124).

Parent Conference Sign Ups
Please be aware that the conference time slot of 3:20 – 3:40 pm on Wednesday, October 21 has been opened.  You should notice this when accessing the website.
Just a reminder that:
PT Conferences are Wednesday, October 21, 2015 (3:20-7:40 p.m.) and Thursday, October 22, 2015 (1:20-7:20 p.m.). Your child was given a postcard on Friday, August 28 to take home. Please refer to the post card for instructions on how to sign up.
To sign up, please visit the following website:
You may also access the website by going to our school's webpage using the following link:
Prior to signing up, please carefully review the instructions that are provided on the first page of the website. 
The online scheduler went live at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, August 28. Slots fill up very quickly, so please sign up ASAP. 

Lunchtime Lectures
Lunchtime Lecture series, sponsored by the Ladue Middle School Parent Association, have begun.
The next lecture will occur on November 4, presented by Joanne Curran (Learning Consultant and Tutor), who will speak on Homework and Study Strategies.
All Lunchtime Lectures will occur in the LMS Library, beginning at noon for about one hour.  Please be aware that our food allergy protocols prohibit peanut- and/or tree nut-based food items in our building outside of the Cafeteria and Staff Lounge.

Annual Hearing Screenings/Grade 7
Hearing screenings are scheduled for October 14, for all 7th grade students.  If you would prefer to not have your child's hearing screened, please contact Nurse Patrick at

Community Forums and Open Houses/LHWHS
The district will host two types of functions regarding the potential LHWHS Renovation plans to date:
·      Community Forums – September 24 and September 30, both beginning at 7 pm in the LHWHS Cafeteria.
·      Open House/Tours of LHWHS – The week of October 5 through 9, beginning at 6 pm each evening.  High School and district administrators will be available to answer questions and guide visitors through the building.  Each tour is expected to take about 20 minutes.
Additional background and research, as well as funding plans and current concepts under consideration can be found at:

LMSPA eBlasts
     If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
     Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on

Dr. Tiffany Taylor-Johnson, LMS Associate Principal, will be honored this evening at the St. Louis American Foundation’s 28th annual Salute to Excellence in Education Scholarship & Awards Gala at America’s Center.  I look forward to attending and helping celebrate her dedication to public education and her contributions to LMS and our district.

I hope you and your families have a safe, fun, and relaxing weekend.


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