November 6, 2015

Good afternoon on this beautiful Friday.

As previously shared, the National Blue Ribbon Schools conference and ceremony will occur next Monday and Tuesday in Washington, DC.  We will be sending a group to participate in these activities and receive our award.  In our absence, Mr. Kurt Knoedelseder, retired LHWHS Athletic Director/Administrator will be holding the fort down here for those two days.


Congratulations and Thank You to Leah Alrutz and the students who comprise the LMS Choirs for their wonderful performance this past Wednesday evening.


Monday, 11/9
National Blue Ribbon School Recognition Ceremony; Washington DC (through Tuesday, 11/10)
Tuesday, 11/10
LMSPA Executive Board meeting; 1 pm
Wednesday, 11/11
7th Grade Parents to Lunch; 11:26 am
Orchestra Concert, Grades 7 and 8; 7 pm; LHWHS Performing Arts Center
Thursday, 11/12
Fire Drill (weather permitting); Period 3 (10 am)
8th Grade Parents to Lunch; 12:14 pm
Friday, 11/13
No School; Professional Development Day for Staff

Tuesday, 11/17
6th Grade Parents to Lunch; 10:38 am (moved from 11/10)
Wednesday, 11/18
ELL Pie Night; 6:30 pm; Location TBD

Monday, 11/23
Fire Drill; Period 6 (approximately 12:55 pm, weather permitting)
Tuesday, 11/24
LMS Turkey Trot
Wednesday, 11/25 through Friday, 11/27
Thanksgiving Break; No School


Please note that the dates for the LMS Turkey Trot and Thanksgiving Break have been corrected above.

HEALTHY THOUGHTS (from Nurse Patrick and Coach Wojtow)

Too much sugar can lead to cavities and obesity in children. If you still need to get rid of some of that Halloween candy, consider donating to Operation Gratitude that sends candy care packages to troops overseas.  Click on the link for more information:


Students are not permitted to bring any medication (over the counter or prescription) to or from school.  All medications must be transported to school by an adult.  All medication (over the counter and/or prescription) requires a doctor's note or prescription label.  See link below for further information:

Hand washing is like a "do-it-yourself" vaccine—it involves five simple and effective steps (Wet, Lather, Scrub, Rinse, Dry) you can take to reduce the spread of diarrheal and respiratory illness so you can stay healthy.  Regular hand washing, particularly before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others.  It's quick, it's simple, and it can keep us all from getting sick. Hand washing is a win for everyone...except the germs.

As we begin to enter cold and flu season, please recall Ladue guidelines regarding ill students staying home from school.  Please follow this link for details:
Fever is a symptom of illness and not an actual diagnosis. Fever usually indicates that the body is battling an infection. A child with a fever greater than 99.9 degrees Fahrenheit needs to stay home from school until the fever is gone for at least 24 hours without medication (acetaminophen or ibuprofen).


Chartwells Food Service student survey
Chartwells Dining Services would like your student to give feedback in a short survey that will help provide better service at breakfast and lunch at LMS.  The questions are short and simple but the feedback will be invaluable to them in order to create a better lunch program.  Please have your student go to the following link between November 6 and 16.  Please encourage them to give helpful feedback.

Thanksgiving Fundraiser Activities
Here is a rundown of this year's events related to the penny wars, canned food drive and turkey trot.  
Penny Wars: November 9 through 12
Students will show that their grade level is the most caring and has the most spirit by donating to Free The Children.  Each grade level will have a jug placed in the lobby from November 9 through November 12 for donation collection.  All donations will go to Free The Children to help children and families in impoverished countries.  All pennies and checks (made out to Ladue Middle School) placed into a jug count as positive amounts.  All silver coins and paper money count as negative amounts equivalent to their denomination.  The grade level with the greatest positive (or least negative) amount after November 12 wins (Principal Note:  Although we all win by helping support this worthwhile cause).
Canned Food Drive:  November 16 through 23
LMS is collecting can and money donations for Gateway 180, an area shelter that distributes food and funds to many area homeless shelters.  Students will turn in donations before school in their morning grade level areas.  The class with the best overall per student donation average plus highest percentage of class participation will win a pizza party.  The class at each grade level with the highest per student average plus highest percentage of class participation will receive a soda and chip party.  Students may choose to bring in money instead of cans.  One canned food item equals $.50 (checks can be made out to Ladue Middle School).
100 Can Club:  All students bringing in 100 cans (equivalent to $50) will receive a 100 Can Club Certificate hung in the hall with their name on it and their name read on the afternoon announcements.  Members of the 100 Can Club will have their name placed into a drawing for the opportunity to throw a pie in one of their favorite faculty member’s face.  All staff members willing to donate their face to a whip cream pie will be asked to do so during the event described below.
Turkey Trot:  November 24
We invite all staff, administration and parents to join LMS in the running of this year’s 18th Annual Turkey Trot.  You can choose to run the 1-mile course or walk an alternate course.  There will be an alternate schedule this day to allow time for running the trot as well as a celebration at the end of the day.  All start times will be adhered to unless we need to change because of weather.
6th Grade Turkey Trot – 1:01 pm – 1:39 pm
7th Grade Turkey Trot – 11:07 am – 11:45 am
8th Grade Turkey Trot – 11:49 am – 12:27 pm
The top male and female finisher at each grade level as well as staff will receive a special trophy.  The top 10 male and top 10 female finishers at each grade level will receive a commemorative turkey trot t-shirt.
All-School Celebration Assembly:  Tuesday, November 24; 2:25 – 3:05
At the end of the school day on November 24 we will have an all-school assembly to recognize the winning grade level of the Penny War, the winning classes of Canned Food Drive, 100 can club members and Turkey Trot winners.  100 can club members will be selected at this time to throw a pie in the face of some of their favorite faculty members.

Veterans’ Day Wednesday, November 11
In order to honor our current and past Service members, and their families, several special activities and events are planned for next Wednesday.  A sampling is listed below:
·      LMS Teacher Maria Page will coordinate a partnership with Delta Dental Health Theatre for one of our school’s Veterans' Day projects.  The mission of the Delta Dental Health Theatre is to educate and inspire children and the community to make positive oral and overall health choices to achieve optimum health.  Their event is officially called The Delta Dental Health Theatre Great Candy Exchange.  Students will be able to donate all of their unwanted and unopened candy from Halloween.  All candy will be donated to the USO of Missouri for distribution to various military sites throughout Missouri and Illinois.  Last year, DDHT collected and donated 3300 pounds of candy to the USO.  They are hoping to surpass that this year.  At LMS, we will collect the candy November 2 through 5.  Students will also be invited to write general notes thanking soldiers for their service to include with the donation.
·      LMS Teacher Tricia Wideman and the Character Education Committee is asking students and staff to provide a photo of a parent/grandparent/relative/friend who is serving, or is a veteran, with the student.  These photos will be compiled and shown during all lunch periods.  Please send a picture to Coach Wideman at that includes the student name, the service member’s name, what branch of the military they served or are currently serving in, and where they served or serve so we can put together something very special for everyone in our school to see.
·      The Phoenix team has planned the following:  Science - Wall of Peace and Tomb of the Unknowns Web Scavenger Hunt; Comm Arts -  Letters to soldiers and Celebrate Flag Day Web Scavenger Hunt; Social Studies -  Veteran’s Day Posters and Poster Contest; and Math - Patriotic Quilt and Honoring Our Veterans Web Scavenger Hunt.
·      LMS Teacher Joan Shacklette hosts a veteran each year to speak to her classes about their military experience.  Past speakers have included our own Mr. JB Tate.  This year’s special guest will be Mr. Rudy Eckelkamp.



Documentary Screening
On Tuesday, November 10, the LMS Diversity Cadre will be sponsoring a screening of the documentary Black Girl in Suburbia in conjunction with the St. Louis International Film Festival’s Cinema for Students program.  The film explores the experiences of black girls growing up in predominantly white communities and is intended to spark an open dialogue about race, identity, and perspective among all people.  All students (regardless of race or gender) are welcome, and so are parents and grandparents.  The screening will be followed by a group discussion. Students will need a permission slip to stay for this event, and participation is limited to the first 60 students who turn in a permission slip. Permission slips are available in room 232 or from Social Studies teachers.
The film will begin at 2:25 and the event will end in time for students to take the late bus home.  Please note that students attending this event will miss the last part of 8th hour and are responsible for any missed work.

Field Trips and payment options
We are now providing a third payment option (if needed) for field trips.  This will be an online option through the MySchoolBucks program (currently being provided to make online payments to student lunch accounts) through a section designated School Store.  MySchoolBucks can be accessed through our district website, near the bottom of the page.
Our first two preferred forms of payment for future field trips will be either the online option noted above or by personal check.  Should either of these payment options not be possible, we will accept cash as a last resort.
If you prefer to take advantage of this online option, please look for the “Field Trip title” noted on the permission form sent home with your student, as well as the “Open date” and “Closing date” to submit payment.

Ski Trip Dates
The following are Ski Trip dates for 2016:
·      Jan 8
·      Jan 15
·      Jan 29
·      Feb 5
·      Feb 19
Feb 26 - Make up day if needed

For your information, the Ladue Schools Today - High School Renovation Initiative segment is now online. 

LMSPA eBlasts
     If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
     Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on

Have a great remainder to your Friday and a wonderful weekend.


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