LMS Ski Trip Information

Good morning.  The following is from Mark Biernbaum, LMS Teacher and Ski Trip Coordinator.  If you have questions, Mark can be contacted at mbiernbaum@ladueschools.net

Ski info for parents 15/16

Parents, please review all of the following information with your child before our first ski trip on Friday, January 15

1. Put your child’s name on his/her clothes and equipment.

 It is recommended you label their shoes as well because sometimes kids put shoes on top of lockers (which is not suggested) and they end up loosing them.

 It is recommended that your child use the one-time use lockers. These require 3 or 4 quarters, therefore have your child take change. There is a change machine at Hidden Valley, but it often runs out of quarters because there are so many people who use it every day.

 Students should not lock up all of their money or when they want to have dinner they will need to put quarters back into the one-time use lockers again after getting out their money.

2. Send no less than $10 with your child for dinner. 

 The food is relatively expensive. For example, chicken strips, fries and a small drink costs $10.50.

3. Please have your child bring warm clothes.  If your child has never skied, dress them like they are going sledding.

 Ski pants and a warm coat are best if cold weather is predicted.  If you do not have snow pants, layering clothing will work.  Wool socks are best, but not required.  Any kind of shoes are fine as your child will be putting on ski/snowboard boots.  Gloves/mittens are a must even if it is warm.  If he/she
uses the toe rope without gloves or mittens on, rope burn is likely to occur.

 If your child’s ski clothes can fit in his/her hall locker, that is the best.  If not, they will sit in the front lobby of LMS.  We will have signs posted for the 6th, 7th and 8th grade areas for clothing bags as well as equipment for those who take their own.

4. We strongly recommend a snow sport helmet. 

 Ski/snowboard helmets can be rented for $10 per day or purchased from a sporting goods store.

5. If your child is taking his/her own skis or snowboard, it will sit in the front lobby of LMS during the school day.

 If you are delivering it to school, please do so before 2 PM, due to our busses.

6. Students will get changed at LMS before getting on the buses.

 8th grade girls dress in rooms 135 & 136 (Long/Clay) supervised by female teachers.

 8th grade boys dress in rooms 235 & 236 (Webb/McMonigle) supervised by male teachers.

 7th graders will dress in their respective locker rooms supervised by PE teachers.

 6th grade girls dress in rooms 114/115 (Harris/Bickel) supervised by female teachers.

 6th grade boys dress in rooms 110/111 (Baniak/Aronberg) supervised by male teachers.

7. Buses leave LMS after school at approximately 3:15 PM to head to Hidden Valley.

8. Kids who have never skied MUST take 2 lessons during the first 2 ski days (Jan. 15 & Jan. 29).

 Make sure you tell your kids this is a must.  Even if other students tell them it is not necessary, both lessons are required.

 Each lesson is approximately 45 minutes.

9. Your child will NOT receive an actual ski pass card unless he/she goes to Hidden Valley on a day that our school does not provide transportation. 

 If/when your child goes on a Friday when we are not there, they will need to be with a parent or have a picture ID to prove their identity.  Then they will get their picture taken and be given an actual

10. Buses return to LMS at 9:30 PM.

 Please try to carpool (450 cars in the lot can cause major problems).

 Please do NOT wait until 10 PM to show up.  At least one teacher must stay and wait until all students have been picked up from LMS.

11. Students may go back to their lockers after returning to LMS at 9:30 PM. 

 Students should leave their backpacks in their lockers at LMS.

12. If your child is planning to stay late at Hidden Valley after our buses leave, he/she MUST bring a signed parent note that MUST be given to the bus chaperone when getting on the bus at LMS.

 We CANNOT accept phone calls from parents as permission.  A signed note is required.

 If your child stays late at Hidden Valley, he/she will not be able to get back into LMS later that night.

If he/she stays late, your child should take his/her backpack to Hidden Valley and lock it up there.  Make sure your child does not leave his/her backpack on the bus.

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