September 1, 2014

Good morning.  I hope you have enjoyed our extended holiday weekend.


Congratulations to Carissa Leuthen, Special School District Speech Language Pathologist, who has been nominated to receive an Excellence In Education Award at the September 22 Board of Education meeting.  Carissa has served in this role at LMS since the beginning of the 2004 school year.  In addition, she also serves on our building’s Problem Solving Team and helps greatly in the development of our master schedule each year.  Carissa holds both a Bachelors and a Masters degrees from Missouri State University in Communication Sciences and Disorders. 

Congratulations to the LHWHS staff, Ladue Schools district staff, parents and students.  LHWHS was recently recognized in a recent Daily Beast poll: number one in the state, number seven in the Midwest, and number sixty-three in the nation.
(In year’s past, Newsweek published an annual ranking of top U.S. high schools.  Since Newsweek’s split with The Daily Beast in August 2013, this ranking is now produced by The Daily Beast, an online news outlet reaching over 17 million readers per month.)  

Thank you to Liz Petersen (Grade 7 Olympian Science) for coordinating, collecting and delivering donated food items from LMS staff to the Ferguson Food Pantry.


Monday, 9/1
Labor Day: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, 9/2
SRI Reading assessments; Grades 7 and 8
Wednesday, 9/3
SRI Reading assessments; Grade 6

Monday, 9/8
Discovery Education (DE) assessments; through Thursday, 9/11
     Block Day schedules
Friday, 9/12
Early Release day; 12:40 pm

Monday, 9/15
6th Grade Camp Session 1; through Wednesday, 9/17
Wednesday, 9/17
6th Grade Camp Session 2; through Friday, 9/19

Wednesday, 9/24
Fundraiser Kickoff assemblies; Periods 1, 2, 3
Friday, 9/26
Fundraiser Postcard turn in; during Lunch periods

Tuesday, 9/30
7th Grade Party; 3:10 – 4:10 pm (changed from 10/2)
Thursday, 10/2
Fundraiser Turn In day 1; during Lunch periods
Friday, 10/3
Ram Award Pizza day; during Lunch periods



Early Release Information
Please see the attachment on the Blackboard Connect email.

8th Grade Sports
The first practice for Volleyball and Cross Country for 8th grade students  on Tuesday, September 2. Students must have turned in all forms, including a physical, in order to participate. Forms are available on the LMS website under the “Activities” tab.


Fall Production
Following my message last Sunday, which included information about our planned fall production, the drama “And a Child Shall Lead”, I was informed by Leah Scheidt (LMS Drama teacher) a few days ago that we were experiencing issues with the script.  My understanding is that schools may request modifications in copyrighted scripts, requiring permission from the playwright.  We made what we considered minor requests in terms of content to make the production more age-appropriate (one example was a segment in which two girls discuss losing their virginity).  Unfortunately, we were turned down and informed that no modifications would be possible.
With that in mind, we will now proceed with a fall production of “The Southfield Stories, A Contemporary Look at the Canterbury Tales.”  A summary can be found at:  
Auditions for this production are scheduled for September 9, after school.  Practices will be held on subsequent Tuesdays and Thursdays during our After School Activity periods (some students may be eligible to ride one of the late Activity Buses).
Leah Scheidt’s website (accessible through the LMS web page) has a google calendar with information under LMS Theatre Company with more information.  You can also email Mrs. Scheidt at


MTN Survey
If you have a moment, we could use your feedback on Meet The Teacher Night.  There is a very brief survey available for you input at:

Vision Screening Volunteer Request
If any parent is a nurse and would like to volunteer to assist with our vision screening on Monday, October 27, please contact Ann Body at or leave a message in the clinic at 983-5516.  

Girls Scouts
7th grade girls: there is a Girl Scout troop for you.  Parents and all interested girls are welcome to come to an organizational meeting on Wednesday, August 27th, after school in the LMS library. Our meetings are once per month, on the first Wednesday, from 3:15 to 5pm.  If there are any questions, please contact Sarah Martin via email at

LMS Buzz Book
The following is from the LMSPA:
Dear LMS Families,
Do you want your family's information listed in the online and paper Ring-A-Ram Buzz Book (phone directory) published by the LMSPA?  
IF YES, all updates are due by Saturday, August 30th to be included in the paper Ring-A-Ram buzz book (if you haven't done yours already)!
In order to create or update a Ring-A-Ram buzz book entry, please click on the following link to go to the LMSPA website Buzz Book page. 
·      Choose option 1, if you are new to LMS or haven't been in the Ring-A-Ram buzz book in the past, and need to set up information about your family and child.
·      Choose option 2, if you had a child at LMS and entered Ring-A-Ram buzz book information last year or if you have already completed option 1 and would like to go back in and review your entry.  If you have forgotten your password, use option 3!
·      If you want your information published in the Ring-A-Ram buzz book, you must click the appropriate check boxes at the bottom of the page.
·      Make sure you click on the "Submit my electronic approval to the LMSPA" button for additions or updates.
After you have created or updated your information, please go back in using Option 2 and view your family's information to make sure it is accurate.  If you would like to notate to whom a cell phone number belongs, you can put a name in parenthesis after the appropriate cell number.
After August 30th, any changes made to the online RIng-A-Ram buzz book will NOT be included in the paper book!
**DISCLAIMER** The LMSPA reserves the right to modify the data for publishing purposes in the paper version of the Ring-A-Ram Buzz Book in order to accommodate page size constraints.
Please contact Jodi Blucher at or Jodi Minkler if you have any questions.

LMSPA eBlasts
If you are not currently receiving LMSPA email news blasts but would like to, please click on the following link to subscribe:

Board Briefs
Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found on

I hope you have a great remainder of your day and look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.

My best wishes to all,


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