8th Grade Farewell Assembly 5/22/15

Good morning.

I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that the Farewell Assembly for our 8th grade students is scheduled for Friday, May 22.  It will begin at noon, in the LMS Gym.

The following may be a bit convoluted, so please bear with me:

Parking will be available in any open spaces, as well as in our back parking lot.  It would help to form four lines there, if possible.  I am checking to see if district personnel will be available to assist with this.

You may also park on either side of our Circle Drive, but please do not park between the cones near the Library (they will be there on Friday) and Conway Road, as our exit narrows at that point.

Additional parking will be available at Ladue Chapel (9450 Clayton Rd), which is just to the east of LMS.  We will have access to the western portion of the parking lot, and a Shuttle Bus has been secured to run from 11:30 am until all parents needing this service have been returned to their cars after the conclusion of the assembly.

Should you seek parking near our Administrative Center, please use the spaces leading up to the tennis courts and refrain from parking in front of that building.

Traditionally, parents in attendance have taken their 8th graders home after the assembly.  Please remind your students to take their personal locks off their lockers, as these will be cleaned beginning next week.  Any remaining locks will have to be cut off to provide access.

We look forward to seeing everyone who is able to attend on Friday.

Thank you,


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