November 13, 2016

Good evening.  I hope that your weekend has gone well.

Recent events in our nation have led to an environment of divisiveness in many communities.  This leads me to believe that communicating the following to our students and staff this coming week is proactive and needed.  I will communicate this over our intercom, during morning announcements, as well as with our faculty and staff.
One of the great characteristics of LMS is the level of diversity within our school community.  LMS should be, and will be, a school in which everyone can feel protected, respected, and valued regardless ethnicity, culture, religious choice,  language, and political affiliation or philosophy.  As we approach “I Am LMS Day” on January 13, a day on which we celebrate diversity, inclusion and community, we will resist the opportunity to use our recent elections as an excuse to belittle, marginalize, and denigrate others.  This current situation provides all of us an excellent opportunity to show our public who we are and how we interact with each other.  We will not always agree, but we will continue to uphold our tradition of treating each other with respect, kindness, and understanding.          


Thank you to our wonderful LMS Parent Association for funding our faculty/staff lunch on Tuesday, November 8.  We had a very quick turnaround between morning and afternoon sessions, and the “grab and go” lunches helped out a great deal.

Congratulations to LMS Dave Aronberg.  Dave and the LHWHS Boys Soccer team had another in a series of successful seasons, making it as far as the State Quarterfinal game before losing a heartbreaker in the second overtime to Fort Zumwalt South last Saturday.

Thank you to Tricia Wideman for putting together the video tribute to our LMS Veterans, which was shown during lunch periods last Friday.  It was wonderful.


LMSPA Executive Board meeting; 1 pm
ELL Pie Night; LMS Cafeteria; 6:30 pm
All District Choir Festival; Logan University; 7 pm
Master Schedule informational meeting for Parents; 7 pm; LMS Library
Cafeteria Worker Appreciation Day

No After School Activities
11/23/16 - 11/25/16
No School: Thanksgiving Break

Discovery Ed testing (through 12/1); block day schedules
Screenagers movie shown to all students


Winter Sports
The LMS 8th grade sports program will be starting winter sports, basketball for boys and girls, in December.  The program is free, no-cut, and all play.  Practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 and most students may take the late bus home.  Games are after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays and students do need a ride home following the games.  In order to participate in the program, students need to sign up during lunch on November 21, turn in release forms, including a physical dated after February 1, 2016, and come to practice on December 6.  Students who participated in fall sports do not need to turn a new set of forms in.  If you need a copy of the forms, they can be picked up from the welcome center or can be found on the LMS website under the activities-8th grade sports tabs.

Diversity Cadre Courageous Dialogue #2
The LMS Diversity Cadre will host its second Courageous Dialogue for parents on Tuesday, December 6 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the LMS cafeteria.  PLEASE NOTE: this is a change from the original date November 30 (see attached flyer to the Blackboard Connect email). A change was made to avoid conflicting with the district's screening of the documentary "Screenagers."  Please join us as we continue our dialogue about differences and what we can do to be more accepting and understanding of each other's differences. This adult only event is open to all.  We hope you join us!  If you plan to attend, please RSVP no later than December 2nd by emailing Mary LoBosco at or calling 314-983-5512.
Prior to attending, please click on the following link, read the article and watch the embedded video clip, as it will be used as a starting point for discussion.



Documentary Screening
    The Diversity Cadre is sponsoring a screening of the documentary "Gentlemen of Vision" on Tuesday, November 15, from 2:25-4:10 in the LMS cafeteria.  The film is offered as part of the St. Louis International Film Festival and follows the local competitive step team that came to our school last year as part of our I Am LMS Day.  The documentary shows them strive to win their national competitions, graduate from high school, and position themselves to achieve success in life. The screening will be followed by a group discussion.
    Students will need a permission slip to stay for this event, and participation is limited to the first 60 students who turn in their permission slip.  Permission slips are available in room 232 or from your student's social studies teacher.  Students will miss part of 8th hour and, because the event ends by 4:10, will be able to take the late bus home.  Students should feel free to bring a snack, and parents are welcome to come as well!

Openings remain for Girls In The Know
Dear Parents of Girls in Grade 6:  BE bold, BE strong, BE YOU! Finally a program that prepares your daughter to BE all these things alongside you! @girlsintheknow1 is coming to Ladue Middle School!  Girls in the Know believes knowledge is power and that every girl deserves a strong foundation and strong sense of self heading into the challenging teen years. They provide an educational speaker series led by licensed female professionals delivered to pre-teen girls and the ones who love them! Check them out:  Space is limited to 20 pairs and just 4 openings remain, register today at or call 314-719-7159.
Session 1-Empowering Pre-Teen Girls-Led by LPC
Session 2-Promoting a Healthy Body Image-Led by RD/LD
Session 3-All About Safety-Led by Police Officer
Session 4-Birds & Bees-Led by OB/GYN
Check out this flyer for more information.



The holiday season is about family and food – and all too often, adding a few extra pounds to our waistlines.  Being physically active throughout the entire year is important to maintaining a healthy weight.  The American Heart Association recommends that children (up to age 18) get at least 60 minutes a day and adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderately vigorous physical activity.  So grab your family and get moving!

    You can access the Ladue Middle School Parent Association website at and subscribe to email blasts from the LMSPA at

    Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found at

I hope you enjoy your evening.


Gregory Baber  B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ed.S.

Principal, Ladue Middle School

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