November 22, 2016

Good afternoon.

Here are a few items that needed to go out before the holiday break.

Turkey Trot
That you to Matt Strayhorn for organizing this yearly event.  Thank you as well to staff who served as course marshals and to the LEF for their financial support.  Congratulations to the following grade level first-place finishers:
Grade 6
Girl: Nicole Li     Boy: Liam Oiknine
Grade 7
Girl:  Julia Armbruster     Boy: Conner Krell
Grade 8
Girl:  Giselle Grench     Boy:  Gunnar Koon
Women:  Amy Hays     Men:  Roger Scherck

Discovery Education Testing Schedule
DE testing will occur next Monday through Thursday.  We will have a block day schedule those days.
Monday, 11/28
Math; Blue/Odd day
Tuesday, 11/29
Math; Blue/Even day
Wednesday, 11/30
Reading; White/Odd day
Thursday, 12/1
Reading; White/Even day

Have a great Thanksgiving.


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