Courageous Dialogue

Diversity Cadre Courageous Dialogue #3
The LMS Diversity Cadre will host its third Courageous Dialogue for parents on Wednesday, February 8th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the LMS cafeteria. Please join us as we continue our dialogue about differences and what we can do to be more accepting and understanding of each other's differences. This adult only event is open to all. We hope you join us!  If you plan to attend, please RSVP no later than February 3rd by emailing Mary LoBosco at or calling 314-983-5512. Prior to attending, please click on the following links as both items will be used as a starting point for discussion.

Finding Myself in the Story of Race- Debby Irving  (Video Link)

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