LMS Ski Trip Information
Ladue Middle School
Hidden Valley Ski Activity
Parent & Student Reminder Information
Should you have an emergency situation and need to get in touch
with your child while we are skiing, call: (636) 938-5373 and then dial “0”.
Hidden Valley staff will be able to get in touch with LMS chaperones.
Please take a few minutes to review the following with your child:
Please encourage your child to bring all of his or her own ski clothing to school with them on the bus the day of the trip. If your child is using his/her own skis/snowboard, please mark all equipment with his/her name. Unfortunately, we do not have “actual storage” for their equipment at school, so it will sit in the front lobby. If parents are bringing in skis or a snowboard, please take to the front lobby between 9 a.m. & 2 p.m. the day of the trip.
At the end of the day, students should leave their books/backpacks in their hall locker at school. The school WILL be open after the charter buses return to school at 9:30 p.m. At that time students may go get those items that need to go home. If your child will be getting a ride back from Hidden Valley (in a car) sometime later in the evening, Ladue Middle School will be locked, so they may want to take their books/backpack with them and lock the items up at Hidden Valley with their clothes and shoes.
Please arrange for your child to be picked up from Ladue Middle School at 9:30 p.m. on the day he/she is skiing. Please be prompt. PLEASE TRY TO CARPOOL with 3 or 4 students. We cannot handle 480 cars on our parking lot. Also, PLEASE do NOT park directly in front of the school; that is where the buses unload. Furthermore, students should NOT cross Clayton Road or Conway Road without an adult.
Our school’s student handbook states that if your child receives two full days of BIC or an out of school suspension within 30 days of the trip, your child will be unable to go with LMS on the ski trip.
ALL RULES THAT APPLY AT SCHOOL ALSO APPLY AT HIDDEN VALLEY except for cell phone use. Students may use their cell phone whenever needed.
Things to Consider Before Each Trip
Bring money for food. No outside food is allowed by Hidden Valley. Below are last year’s prices from the snack bar. This year’s prices should be similar.
hamburger $4.75 french-fries $2.50 chicken strips $5.75
hot chocolate $2.25 large soda $2.00 pizza $4.50
Basic Information
Students may keep their bag and equipment in the front lobby until school is over. There will be separate areas labeled for 6th, 7th and 8th grade student gear.
After school, students will be getting dressed at LMS and then getting on the charter bus behind school on the basketball courts.
· 8th grade girls will change clothes in Rooms 135 & 136 (Long/Clay)
· 8th grade boys change clothes in 235 & 236 (Webb/McMonigle)
· 7th grade will change clothes in locker rooms
· 6th grade girls change clothes in 114/115 (Harris/Bickel)
· 6th grade boys change clothes in 110/111 (Baniak/Aronberg)
· Female rooms supervised by female staff members; male rooms supervised by male staff members.
Leave your books in your hall locker at school. You WILL be allowed to go back to your hall locker after you return to school if riding the charter bus. If you will be getting a ride back from Hidden Valley later, Ladue Middle School will be locked, so you may want to take your backpack with you and lock it up at Hidden Valley with your clothes and shoes.
Hidden Valley will require LMS students to get their lift ticket from Mr. Biernbaum the five days we go as a school. They will not give your child one at the ticket window. Please do not take your child out of school early to get to Hidden Valley. Once you are there you will have to wait for
Mr. Biernbaum in order to get your child’s lift ticket. Mr. Biernbaum arrives at Hidden Valley about
3:45 p.m.
Hidden Valley now has locked lockers that require key rental (at the snowsports window located just outside the rental building where they sell lessons). Rental fee is $10 cash - $5 deposit + $5 key - students may access their locker as many times as they wish. Upon leaving, students should return the key to recover the $5 key deposit. In addition, students will also have access to a section of open lockers that will act as cubbies that do not lock.
What To Bring
· Although Hidden Valley does not require them, we STRONGLY RECOMMEND THE USE OF
A HELMET. Helmets may be purchased from most sporting goods stores. Your child may also
rent one from Hidden Valley for $10 per outing.
A HELMET. Helmets may be purchased from most sporting goods stores. Your child may also
rent one from Hidden Valley for $10 per outing.
· Bring appropriate clothes for staying warm. If the temperatures are predicted to be cold,
please dress VERY WARM.
please dress VERY WARM.
· Gloves or mittens are a MUST (even if it is warm!) and it is best if they are waterproof.
· Wool socks are recommended. If you don’t have any, two pair of tube socks will work.
· Ski pants/BIBS are best. However, if you don’t have them, layering items will work.
What NOT to Bring
If you normally wear jewelry to school, leave it at home the day you are skiing (If the temperatures
are below freezing, you should not wear any earrings as they can cause frostbite to your ears).
While Skiing
DO NOT SKI ALONE unless you are on one of the bunny slopes. If you go up on the ski lift, do so with someone you know.
DO NOT SKI STRAIGHT DOWN THE HILL out of control; you need to ski from side to side. This will prevent you from going too fast. Should Hidden Valley ski patrol see you skiing straight down the hill, out of control, they will warn you. If you do it again, you will be finished skiing/snowboarding for the night.
WHEN YOU GET COLD, go into the lodge for a few minutes to warm up. When going in the lodge for whatever reason, remember your ski number and where you put your skis in the outside racks.
At The End Of The Evening
Teacher chaperones will let you know when to go into the lodge. You need to immediately head in (do not make additional runs). When you get to the lodge, turn in your rental equipment and hang your boots back where they belong.
Food/drink may NOT be consumed on the buses (to or from), so at the end of the evening do not buy items at the snack bar. The only exception to this is plain water bottles (no vitamin water).
· Please carpool & PLEASE be prompt!
· Please arrange for your child to be picked up from the middle school on the day he/she
is skiing at 9:30 p.m.
is skiing at 9:30 p.m.
· If you are allowing your child to stay late at Hidden Valley, you MUST send them with a
signed note giving your permission for them to remain at Hidden Valley after the buses
leave. That note must be given to their bus chaperone upon boarding the bus at the
middle school. A phone call is not sufficient.
signed note giving your permission for them to remain at Hidden Valley after the buses
leave. That note must be given to their bus chaperone upon boarding the bus at the
middle school. A phone call is not sufficient.
Should you have an emergency situation and need to get in touch
with your child while we are skiing, call: (636) 938-5373 and then dial “0”.
Hidden Valley staff will be able to get in touch with LMS chaperones.
If you have questions that have not been answered, please email Mark Biernbaum: mbiernbaum@ladueschools.net