January 6, 2017

Good afternoon.

Semester 1 grade cards were delivered to our Administration Center this morning for mailing and should be on the way to you shortly.  


Thank you to our Registrar, Carol Stephens, for the time and effort necessary to get semester 1 grades finalized, make schedule changes for semester 2, and get grades ready for mailing.  Thank you to the other members of our office staff for assisting in this process.

Thank you to our counselors and administrators for their work in planning our upcoming “I AM LMS” Day, to be held on January 13.  More information is below.


After School Activities begin for semester 2
LMSPA Executive Board meeting; 1 pm
8th grade Parents to Lunch; 12:13 - 12:43 pm
I Am LMS Day
Early Release day; 12:40 pm

No School; Dr. Martin Luther King holiday
Meeting for incoming 6th grade parents; Apogee meeting 5:30 pm; Registration meeting 6 pm
7th grade Parents to Lunch; 11:24 - 11:54 am
6th grade Parents to Lunch; 10:35 - 11:05 am
Ski Trip #2

LMS Spelling Bee; after school

Ski Trip #3


I Am LMS Day
“I AM LMS” Day, Ladue Middle School’s annual celebration of our diverse cultures/races/religions/identities will take place on Friday, January 13, during our early release day.  Students in all three grades levels will learn about the effects of prejudice on different groups of people and the importance of working together for the good of all.  The theme for this year’s day is “Erase Racism (Eracism).”  The schedule for each grade level that day is:
Grade 6
8:10 - 8:44     Voices of LMS and Discussion (Student Videos)
8:48 - 9:22     Art project: “Erase Racism”
9:26 - 10:11     African Dance and Performances (African Dance group and LMS
10:15 - 10:49     Coding project to produce a digital collage about “Eracism”
10:53 - 11:38     African Folk Tales by Bobby Norfolk, professional education speaker
11:38 - 12:03     Lunch
12:07 - 12:40     Reflection discussions regarding racism and diversity/Exit survey
Grade 7
8:10 - 8:44     Voices of LMS and Discussion (Student Videos)
8:48 - 9:22     Art project: “Erase Racism”
9:26 - 10:11     African Folk Tales by Bobby Norfolk, professional education speaker
10:15 - 11:00     African Dance and Performances (African Dance group and LMS
11:00 - 11:25    Lunch
11:29 - 12:03     Coding project to produce a digital collage about “Eracism”
12:07 - 12:40     Reflection discussions regarding racism and diversity/Exit survey
Grade 8
8:10 - 8:55     African Dance and Performances (African Dance group and LMS
8:59 - 9:35     Coding project to produce a digital collage about “Eracism”
9:39 - 10:15     Voices of LMS and Discussion (Student Videos)
10:19 - 10:55     Art project: “Erase Racism”
10:59 - 11:35     The Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) from LMS and LHWHS will be
                         presenting on the terminology associated with LGBTQ
11:39 - 12:10     Reflection discussions regarding racism and diversity/Exit survey
12:10 - 12:35    Lunch
12:35 - 12:40     In classrooms to prepare for dismissal    



Morning Student Building Access
With colder weather in the forecast, beginning tomorrow, I just wanted to remind everyone that our building is not scheduled for student arrivals until 7:15 am.  That is when I have staff available to let students in and supervise them in the lobby.  Although I typically arrive between 6:30 and 7, I cannot always guarantee that I will be available as doorman before 7:15 am.   

Quarter 3 After School Activities
Please also be aware that after school activities for quarter 3 do not begin until Tuesday, January 10.  This includes basketball practices as well.

LMS Library additions to inventory
Our Library has been working to establish a foreign language section for students who are able to read in languages other than English. They are specifically looking for books appropriate for children ages 10-14 in the following languages, but other languages are also welcome.
Languages Requested:
  • Amharic
  • Chinese (simplified)
  • Spanish
  • Turkish
  • French
  • German
Please contact Melody Frese at
if you have any questions.

Winter Reading
St. Louis County Library is pleased to offer its popular Winter Reading Club again this year. The Winter Reading Club runs from December 1-February 28th. Anyone of any age (including parents and grandparents) can participate!
Log sheets are available from your child's ELA teacher or at any St. Louis County Library branch.  Bring the completed log sheet back to your library branch to pick up your coupon and be entered into a drawing for fabulous prizes. Raffle prizes include Kindle Fires, $20 movie theater gift cards, and $50 Amazon gift cards.  More information is available here: http://www.slcl.org/winter-reading-club
In addition to the County Library's Program, this year sixth grade students may also participate in the Six Flags Read to Succeed program. If your child is interested in earning a free ticket to Six Flags, all they have to do is read six hours and log their reading on the Six Flags Read to Succeed form, which was distributed this week. The deadline to return the completed and signed forms is February 24th. If you need another copy of the form, please email Melody Frese, our library media specialist at mfrese@ladueschools.net, or contact your child's ELA teacher.
As an extra incentive, any child who participates in either reading program will also receive a gift from the LMS library! Simply show the completed reading log to an LMS librarian before turning in your form, or make a copy of the form to show us!

8th Grade Slideshow
As a part of celebrating the accomplishments of 8th graders next spring, a slideshow) is shown at the 8th Grade party and at the Farewell celebration. We would like to ask for your help in contributing photos for the slideshow. We’re looking for good-quality photos (preferably taken with a digital camera instead of a cellphone) of school-related activities…sports events, field trips, musical performances, classroom experiments, etc. Our goal is for every LMS eighth grader to be included in the slide show!
If you have any photos to share, please email them to lms2017slideshow@gmail.com. If you’d prefer to put your photos on a flash drive, there will be a couple in the LMS office, designated for parent use, after winter break. Simply pick one up, load your photos, and return it to LMS.
If you have any questions, please contact Julie Schuster at lms2017slideshow@gmail.com


Immunization Requirement Changes
​In the past year there have been some immunization changes required by the state of Missouri that will affect students going into 8th grade next school year. Students entering 8th grade will now be required to have a Meningitis immunization and a Tdap immunization prior to starting 8th grade. Your child may have already had both of these immunizations!
Please check with your pediatrician to verify if these have been completed. If not, please begin making appointments at your earliest convenience. Take advantage of the upcoming breaks to get this requirement out of the way. Do not wait until August when physician offices are booked.   
You can send the updated immunization records that reflect that your child has these immunizations. The nurse's office will accept these records immediately - no need to wait until summer.
You may email, fax, or send in a copy of the record to the nurse's office.   
​​​Email: ​ dbernholt@ladueschools.net
​Fax:  314-9​97-8736​
Food Allergies/Lunch Periods
We will remind students this week at lunches that they should not share food with other students.  If you could please reinforce this at home, we would appreciate it.    


One benefit of winter . . .
Research has shown that when you shiver, your body produces a hormone called irisin.  Irisin turns white fat (the kind that produces stomach rolls) into brown fat (which burns calories to create heat).
This isn't to say that spending time in the cold is a replacement for eating healthy and working out.  Plus, you should limit how much time you spend outside when the temps dip below freezing, so you don't put yourself at risk of hypothermia.  But when you find yourself dreaming of white, sandy beaches as your teeth chatter and your ears redden, know there's at least one upside to the cold weather.
    You can access the Ladue Middle School Parent Association website at http://mylmspa.com and subscribe to email blasts from the LMSPA at http://www.mylmspa.com/eblast-newsletter/

    Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found at http://boardbriefs.blogspot.com

I hope that everyone has a great weekend.


Gregory Baber  B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ed.S.

Principal, Ladue Middle School

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