January 20, 2017

Happy Friday.

I hope we finally see some sun this weekend.  


If you bring your child to school in the mornings, thank you for your patience in the traffic line.  We have experienced an increase in car traffic, particularly on Ski Trip days.  Two items to please keep in mind:
  • Dropping your child off in the parking lot, resulting in them walking across the Circle Drive with traffic, is not recommended.  Students walking across the drive with the number of buses and cars in that area concerns me.
  • Although a left-hand turn leaving our campus may be the most direct route to where you need to go, it can cause significant tie ups in the traffic line.  Please, if at all possible, make a right-hand turn onto Clayton and Conway roads.

6th grade Parents to Lunch; 10:35 - 11:05 am
Ski Trip #2

LMS Spelling Bee; after school

Ski Trip #3
Registration forms for 2017-18 due in the LMS office

School Counselor week
Ski Trip #4

DE Testing (through Thursday) - block day schedule
LMSPA Executive Board meeting; 1 pm
No school; district-wide professional development

No school; Presidents Day
Ski Trip #5

World Languages Week
Early Release day; 12:40 pm
Ski Trip make up day (if needed)


Early Release on Ski Trip days
    Please refrain from picking up your child early on Ski Trip days in order to “beat the buses” to Hidden Valley.  This has caused lost instructional time in period 8 classes in the past, while also causing challenges in coordinating transportation back to school.  Although there will always be special circumstances, we ask for your cooperation in this.

Dad’s Clubs Trivia Night
    The Dad’s Clubs of LHWHS and LMS will be sponsoring a Trivia Night on Saturday, March 11, from 6:30 to 10:30 pm at the JCCA (Staenberg Campus, Creve Coeur).  Cost is $15 per person or $150 for a table of 10.  Reservations or questions can be directed to www.laduedadsclub.com or to Joe Mulligan at 314-503-4384 or Joemulligan910@gmail.com
    Those interested in being involved, but not playing, can also participate by serving on the event committee or volunteering to help at the event itself.  

Fundraiser for St. Louis Children’s Hospital
    The “Run and Run S’More” 5k run and 1 mile fun run/walk to raise funds for the Jackson Hill Wellness Center and St. Louis Children’s Hospital will occur on February 26, from 9 - 11 am.  The route will begin and end at the Ladue Middle School campus.  
    More information can be accessed at www.runandrunsmore.com or by contacting Melissa Hill at melissa@runandrunsmore.com



A message from the 8th Grade Party Committee
    The 8th grade party committee needs your help! This is a parent funded event based on donations. We have raised 1/3 of our goal so far through car wash and raffle ticket sales. Here’s how you can help.....
1. Donate online on myschoolbucks.com
2. Drop off a check in the welcome center made out to LMSPA with 8th grade party noted.
3. Purchase raffle tickets during conferences. Prizes are front seats at the end of the year assembly and reserved parking. $1.00 each.
    Money raised will go towards DJ, photo booth, games, decorations and food. The slide show will be presented as well so please submit your photos of your kids from Kindergarten to current to lms2017slideshow@gmail.com. We prefer school related activities, please.

Yearbook Orders
    Don't forget to order a yearbook for your son or daughter.  Currently the cost for the book is $28 but prices will go up on January 20 to $35 so get your orders in this week.  Deadline for ordering personalized name tags for the books is also the 20th.  You can find a link to the order website on the LMS home page.  If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Cognac at scognac@ladueschools.net  or 314-983-5602.

Eagle Scout Project
    James Beiser, a former LMS student and currently a senior at LHWHS, is coordinating a Bicycle Drive for his Eagle School Project.  James and volunteers will be collecting used bicycles for Bworks’ Earn-A-Bike program, that provides children opportunities to earn a bike that can’t afford one.  They will be accepting bicycles and bicycle parts, new or used.  The collection will occur in from of LMS on Saturday, January 21 and Saturday, January 28, 11 am to 3 pm on both days.

Community Basketball Chili Supper
    It's 'Due time for the District's annual community chili supper and basketball.  All schools are invited to attend this community-building event on Friday, January 27 from 5-7 p.m. at the high school cafeteria.  A $6 per person pre-paid fee (or $8 at the door) includes chili and BBQ dinner, entrance to all the basketball games occurring that night, and activities and fun.  Wear your blue and white!

Morning Student Building Access
    With colder weather in the forecast, beginning tomorrow, I just wanted to remind everyone that our building is not scheduled for student arrivals until 7:15 am.  That is when I have staff available to let students in and supervise them in the lobby.  Although I typically arrive between 6:30 and 7, I cannot always guarantee that I will be available as doorman before 7:15 am.   

Winter Reading
    St. Louis County Library is pleased to offer its popular Winter Reading Club again this year. The Winter Reading Club runs from December 1-February 28th. Anyone of any age (including parents and grandparents) can participate!
Log sheets are available from your child's ELA teacher or at any St. Louis County Library branch.  Bring the completed log sheet back to your library branch to pick up your coupon and be entered into a drawing for fabulous prizes. Raffle prizes include Kindle Fires, $20 movie theater gift cards, and $50 Amazon gift cards.  More information is available here: http://www.slcl.org/winter-reading-club
In addition to the County Library's Program, this year sixth grade students may also participate in the Six Flags Read to Succeed program. If your child is interested in earning a free ticket to Six Flags, all they have to do is read six hours and log their reading on the Six Flags Read to Succeed form, which was distributed this week. The deadline to return the completed and signed forms is February 24th. If you need another copy of the form, please email Melody Frese, our library media specialist at mfrese@ladueschools.net, or contact your child's ELA teacher.
As an extra incentive, any child who participates in either reading program will also receive a gift from the LMS library! Simply show the completed reading log to an LMS librarian before turning in your form, or make a copy of the form to show us!

8th Grade Slideshow
    As a part of celebrating the accomplishments of 8th graders next spring, a slideshow) is shown at the 8th Grade party and at the Farewell celebration. We would like to ask for your help in contributing photos for the slideshow. We’re looking for good-quality photos (preferably taken with a digital camera instead of a cellphone) of school-related activities…sports events, field trips, musical performances, classroom experiments, etc. Our goal is for every LMS eighth grader to be included in the slide show!
    If you have any photos to share, please email them to lms2017slideshow@gmail.com. If you’d prefer to put your photos on a flash drive, there will be a couple in the LMS office, designated for parent use, after winter break. Simply pick one up, load your photos, and return it to LMS.
If you have any questions, please contact Julie Schuster at lms2017slideshow@gmail.com


Immunization Requirement Changes
​     In the past year there have been some immunization changes required by the state of Missouri that will affect students going into 8th grade next school year. Students entering 8th grade will now be required to have a Meningitis immunization and a Tdap immunization prior to starting 8th grade. Your child may have already had both of these immunizations!
    Please check with your pediatrician to verify if these have been completed. If not, please begin making appointments at your earliest convenience. Take advantage of the upcoming breaks to get this requirement out of the way. Do not wait until August when physician offices are booked.   
    You can send the updated immunization records that reflect that your child has these immunizations. The nurse's office will accept these records immediately - no need to wait until summer.
    You may email, fax, or send in a copy of the record to the nurse's office.   
​​​Email: ​ dbernholt@ladueschools.net
​Fax:  314-9​97-8736​

    “To keep the body in good health is a duty . . . Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”  Buddha
    You can access the Ladue Middle School Parent Association website at http://mylmspa.com and subscribe to email blasts from the LMSPA at http://www.mylmspa.com/eblast-newsletter/

    Information regarding Ladue Board of Education meetings and work sessions can be found at http://boardbriefs.blogspot.com

Have a great weekend.


Gregory Baber  B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ed.S.
Principal, Ladue Middle School

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