August 16, 2013

Good afternoon and Happy Friday.

     Aside from the bus issues on Wednesday afternoon, I think we’ve had a pretty good first three days of school.  I have seen a lot of smiling kids and engagement in the rooms I have been able to visit.  We even had our first Fire Drill of the year yesterday and the staff and kids did a great job.
     It was great to see such a good turnout for our Parent Coffee this morning.  If you were able to attend, thank you.

Upcoming Calendar Events:
Friday, August 16
Last day for student- or parent-initiated schedule changes (through
Wednesday, August 21
Meet The Teacher Night
            Parent Meeting at 6:30 p.m./LMS Gym
Parents follow student schedules 6:55 to 8:30 p.m.
8th Grade Sports Parent Meeting
8:30 to 9 p.m./LMS Cafeteria
Tuesday, August 27
After School Activities begin
3:10 to 4:10 p.m.
Wednesday, August 28
School Pictures (information to follow)
6th Grade Camp Meeting
            7 p.m./LMS Cafeteria
Friday, August 30
Spirit Day – Wear your favorite college colors/jerseys/etc.  Yes, even hats will be
allowed, as long as they are college-related.
Monday, September 2
Labor Day – No School
SRI Testing – 7th and 8th Grades (through Social Studies classes)
Wednesday, September 4
SRI Testing – 6th Grade (through Social Studies classes)
Friday, September 13
Early Release Day – 12:40 p.m.
Monday, September 30 through Wednesday, October 2
6th Grade Camp – Session 1
Wednesday, October 2 through Friday, October 4
6th Grade Camp – Session 2

     We are blessed to have three great Counselors at LMS.  One of them, Janey Worthington, was recently named the Middle Level Counselor of the Year by the St. Louis Suburban School Counselor Association.  Being selected as the regional honoree qualifies Janey to be considered for Counselor of the Year of the State of Missouri.  After that?  Counselor of the World.

Meet The Teacher Night
     A flier/information sheet should have been handed out to all students today to take home to you.  In it, Scott Lackey explains the process for Meet The Teacher Night.  All students will also bring home a copy of their schedules next Tuesday.
     The schedule for this evening is pretty clear cut for parents of 7th and 8th graders.  The challenge comes in for those who have 6th graders, since they can take more than eight classes in their schedule (with Blue and White Days).  Core Team teachers at the 6th grade will work with students to hand write their schedules out for you.  We will make copies to keep in the office before they go home.  Unfortunately, you may not get to see all your 6th grader’s PE or Elective teachers that evening due to the limitations of our evening schedule.
     Please also remember that we will be running shuttle buses from Ladue Chapel (back right-hand corner) that evening from 6 to 9 p.m.  This helps with our limited parking on campus.  If you park on the rear blacktop, doors will be unlocked to allow access to the building on both sides of the Gym.  If you park in the Circle, please leave the handicapped access cutouts open and also leave space in the front for our Fire Lane.

School Pictures
     Information will be coming soon with your student.  I have had the Picture Day Schedule on my to-do list, but haven’t gotten to it yet.  We try to get the kids through in the morning, by grade level, before lunches.  
     I think that is everything I had on my list.  I will email/post anything I may have forgotten over the weekend.



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