Meet The Teacher Night

Good afternoon, everyone.

     I thought it would be best to put out a message pertaining primarily to Meet The Teacher Night, scheduled for tomorrow evening.  Notes, comments and reminders are located below the calendar events.

Upcoming Calendar Events:
Wednesday, August 21
Meet The Teacher Night
            Parent Meeting at 6:30 p.m./LMS Gym
Parents follow student schedules 6:55 to 8:30 p.m.
8th Grade Sports Parent Meeting
8:30 to 9 p.m./LMS Cafeteria
Tuesday, August 27
After School Activities begin
3:10 to 4:10 p.m.
Wednesday, August 28
School Pictures (information to follow)
6th Grade Camp Meeting
            7 p.m./LMS Cafeteria
Friday, August 30
Spirit Day – Wear your favorite college colors/jerseys/etc.  Yes, even hats will be
allowed, as long as they are college-related.
Monday, September 2
Labor Day – No School
SRI Testing – 7th and 8th Grades (through Social Studies classes)
Wednesday, September 4
SRI Testing – 6th Grade (through Social Studies classes)
Friday, September 13
Early Release Day – 12:40 p.m.
Monday, September 30 through Wednesday, October 2
6th Grade Camp – Session 1
Wednesday, October 2 through Friday, October 4
6th Grade Camp – Session 2

Meet The Teacher Night

     This evening is for you, the parents, and us to do a brief meet and greet and share some general information about your child’s classes.  Due to the limited timeline for tomorrow evening, more extensive conversations about your child’s unique needs, abilities and progress are better served either through other communications or meetings, and/or at Parent Teacher Conferences in late October.

     What follows is a schedule for tomorrow evening.  This flyer should have arrived at your homes last Friday afternoon through backpack mail.

Plan to arrive early, as parking is limited.  Shuttle Service is recommended and provided from Ladue Chapel (9450 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO 63124) to the circle drive from 6:00 – 9:00 pm.  Look for a blue canopy and yellow sign on the south end of the parking lot at Ladue Chapel indicating the pick-up point.  The drop-off and pick-up location at LMS will be the flagpole in front of the building.

Your child will be given a copy of their schedule to bring home on Tuesday, August 20.  Please bring this schedule with you.  There will also be copies of schedules available in the lobby or by the gym when you arrive.

6:30 pm – Welcome from Administration, Counselors, Parent Association, & Dad’s Club
Parents will report directly to your child’s first period at 6:55pm.  See specific grade level schedules below and refer to your child’s schedule for specific class period information.

Sixth Grade Only
Opening Meeting
Session 1
Period 1
Session 2
Fine Art or Explo
Session 3
Period 3
Session 4
Period 4
Session 5
Period 5
Session 6
Period 6
Session 7
Fine Art or Explo
Session 8
PE (gym)
Session 9
Spanish (gym)

Seventh and Eighth Grade
Opening Meeting
Session 1
Period 1
Session 2
Period 2
Session 3
Period 3
Session 4
Period 4
Session 5
Period 5
Session 6
Period 6
Session 7
Period 7
Session 8
Period 8 - PE meet in Cafeteria
Session 9
8th Grade Sports Meeting (optional) - Cafeteria

     As mentioned, copies of students’ schedules have been distributed to students this afternoon to deliver home.  Please ask them for the schedule when they arrive home.  We will have extra copies of schedules in both the Welcome Center and the Gym entrance, but having this in hand will save you some time standing in line.  At the conclusion of the parent meeting in the Gym, we will dismiss you by grade level to begin following your student’s schedule.

     At the risk of being repetitive, parking on campus is a challenge.  I would take advantage of the shuttle being offered from Ladue Chapel if you can.  Please also be aware that we need to keep our handicapped cutouts open on the Circle Drive.  They will be designated by the green cones.  In order for the shuttle buses to exit the Circle Drive, we will also need to keep a portion of the Conway Road exit free from parking as well.  This area will be marked with orange cones.  If you park in the back parking lot, or next to the Admin Center, be aware that the doors on the back of the Gym will be unlocked for you to enter.  

     I hope that I haven’t forgotten anything.  If so, I will send a follow up.  We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening, if you can make it.

Thank you for your time,


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