August 23, 2013

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Good afternoon, everyone.

     I hope you all have had a great week.  I think we’ve had a pretty good first eight days of school.  Kids and staff are still smiling here on a Friday afternoon, so that’s a good sign.
     This will be a little on the long side, but I want to make sure I have everything covered for the coming week.

Meet The Teacher Night (summary)
     Thank you to everyone who attended on Wednesday evening.  Thank you as well to everyone who took the time to provide feedback through Scott’s online survey.  We had a chance to scan through the responses this morning in our weekly Principal/Counselor meeting and will have time soon to go through these in more detail for next year.
     Any confusion pertaining to the 8th Grade Sports Meeting is my fault.  I initially posted this as occurring from 8:30 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday.  I now remember being told that coaches would not need that much time.  The corrected time was included in Scott’s schedule, but I never made the change in the Calendar Events section.  Sorry.

After School Activities beginning August 27 through October 10
     After School Activities for Quarter 1 have just been posted to the LMS website.  If you do a search for Ladue Middle School and get the page with a picture of the Cafeteria and administrators, please click on the “Visit School Website” button above my head.  Once on the school website, click the “Activities” tab across the top (fourth from left).  A drop down menu will then provide you with choices.  Just select “After School Activities.”  You then should be provided with four options, listed by Quarter.  I hope that “Quarter 1” is displayed in blue.  If so, you should then be able to click on that for a full listing for the dates August 27 through the end of this quarter.
     The Activity period will begin at 3:10 and conclude at 4:10 p.m.  Activity Buses will be available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for those students who normally ride a bus.  They should be here for student loading around 3:40 p.m.  We try to get all five buses on site and loaded before releasing them from the front lot.  They will try to park near the Library, so if you are picking your child up by car, please do so closer to the Cafeteria end of the building.

Internet Safety Resources
     Scott has provided some sights you might be interested in checking out.

School Pictures Wednesday, August 28
     Flyers/Order Forms have been distributed to students and should be coming home today.  Please look these over this weekend and return with your students, including information regarding your desired picture package and payment, next Wednesday morning.  These will go directly to the photographers.  Your student should hang on to these until they arrive in the Gym for pictures at their scheduled time.  They do not need to turn them in to the Office.
     If for some reason your child is absent on Wednesday, we will have a Re-Take Day on Wednesday, October 9.

8th Grade Sports Packets
     These will be due by September 3.  They can be given to Coach Theodosiou, any PE coach, or to the coach of the particular sport on the first day of practice.

7th Grade Kansas City Trip Packets
     These were distributed to 7th Grade students yesterday through their Social Studies classes.  Please read these and begin filling them out.  They are due back to their Social Studies teacher by September 20.

6th Grade Camp Packets
     These went home this Monday.  Please return required information/forms to your student’s 8th period teacher.  They are due by September 6.

Traffic update
     Although far from perfect, morning traffic has exceeded my expectations.  If everyone could please turn right out of our lot onto Clayton, it would help greatly. 
     Some reminders:
·      We do not have scheduled supervision in the Lobby until 7:40 a.m.
·      It appears that the bulk of our traffic, both cars and buses, occurs from around 8:00 to 8:10 a.m.  If you can work around this period of time, you might find less of a backup getting onto and off the lot.

Upcoming Calendar Events:
Tuesday, August 27
After School Activities begin
3:10 to 4:10 p.m.
Wednesday, August 28
School Pictures
6th Grade Camp Meeting
            7 p.m./LMS Cafeteria
Friday, August 30
Spirit Day – Wear your favorite college colors/jerseys/etc.  Yes, even hats will be
allowed, as long as they are college-related.
Monday, September 2
Labor Day – No School
SRI Testing – 7th and 8th Grades (through Social Studies classes)
Wednesday, September 4
SRI Testing – 6th Grade (through Social Studies classes)
Friday, September 13
Early Release Day – 12:40 p.m.
Monday, September 30 through Wednesday, October 2
6th Grade Camp – Session 1
Wednesday, October 2 through Friday, October 4
6th Grade Camp – Session 2

     As always, if I’ve made some mistakes or omissions, I will send out an update.

Best wishes for a great weekend.


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