August 26, 2013

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Happy Monday.

     I hope you had a great weekend.  This one is pretty short.

After School Activities August 27 through October 10
     After School Activities begin tomorrow, 3:10 to 4:10 p.m.  Your child does not have to register for any particular activity.  All they need to do is show up tomorrow afternoon.  We do require that all students who stay after dismissal for activities must be with a staff member for the entire period. 
     Activity Buses will be available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for those students who are currently on our district bus list.  They should be here for student loading around 4:40 p.m.  We try to get all five buses on site and loaded before releasing them from the front lot.  They will try to park near the Library, so if you are picking your child up by car, please do so closer to the Cafeteria end of the building.  Students will be issued a bus pass by their activity sponsor at 4:10 p.m., which allows them to board the bus.

School Pictures Wednesday, August 28
     School pictures will be taken this Wednesday.  All students will be photographed to update our student database and records. 
     If you wish to purchase a picture package, you can do so by either 1) going to or 2) returning the completed order form (with payment) directly to the photographers on Wednesday.  The office will not be collecting order forms that day.
     If you have questions, concerns or special requests, please direct them to Wagner Portrait Groups at 314-567-5900.  If for some reason your child is absent on Wednesday, we will have a Re-Take Day on Wednesday, October 9.  Should you need another order form, there are extras in the Welcome Center Office.  

Bus Passes
     In the past, students and parents have been able to request a bus pass for unique situations (i.e. riding home with a friend, etc.).  These have usually been for a day or for a short period of time and are always subject to available space.  Bus pass forms are available through the Welcome Center.
     Based upon information from our Transportation Department, bus passes for the following cannot be granted until further notice:  L3, L5, L7, L9, L16, L17, and L20. 

Upcoming Calendar Events:
Tuesday, August 27
After School Activities begin
3:10 to 4:10 p.m.
Wednesday, August 28
School Pictures
6th Grade Camp Meeting
            7 p.m./LMS Cafeteria
Friday, August 30
Spirit Day – Wear your favorite college colors/jerseys/etc.  Yes, even hats will be
allowed, as long as they are college-related.
Monday, September 2
Labor Day – No School
SRI Testing – 7th and 8th Grades (through Social Studies classes)
8th Grade Sports packets due
Wednesday, September 4
SRI Testing – 6th Grade (through Social Studies classes)
Friday, September 6
6th Grade Camp forms due to 8th period teachers
Friday, September 13
Early Release Day – 12:40 p.m.
Friday, September 20
7th Grade Kansas City Trip packets due to Social Studies teachers
Monday, September 30 through Wednesday, October 2
6th Grade Camp – Session 1
Wednesday, October 2 through Friday, October 4
6th Grade Camp – Session 2

     As always, if I’ve made some mistakes or omissions, I will send out an update.

Best wishes for a great week.


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